Come into my infurno! {💙🔥Hades! Eclipse x Seamstress! Reader🤍🌟}

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This may suck; deal with it loves/p 😌
I'm so bored- and i literally found this after it hadn't been worked on for a month *sobbing*
But uhhhh ye fun
Idefk why I wrote this- (oh yeah a friend suggested it.... *sigh*) I hate eclipse's guts- or... bolts-? IDK IMA SHUT UP NOW- ^^💧

You'd hear your master's voice ring through the decimate tunnels of the underworld. You sighed out as put down the set of garments you'd been stiching for yourself, and standing. Soon you exited your room. The only sound in the dark, charred stone hallways where your leather boots.
You drug your feet as you neared Eclipse's Thorne room, knowing whatever he needed you for; he'd either yell at you for, or degrade your handiwork... "like usual" you thought aloud.

"Why did I make a deal with this jackass again?"
You mused aloud before stepping into the throne room of the underworld's ruler, as soon as you saw him: you saw the reason of your summoning.
Eclipse had a large rip in the suit-like top, it's blue and black ribboning and felt like material seeming to be shredded...

What the hell happened to him...?!

"Finally. Come on, let's not waste anymore time than you already have," he scoffed, only now coming down the long case of stairs that led to his throne; meeting you halfway. His arms where neatly held behind his back. His golden eyes boring into your soul as per usual.
"Apologies, sir. May I ask what happened?" You asked with a raised brow and a subtle tilt of your head.
He answered bluntly with his usual scowl still plastered atop his faceplate.
With a soft snicker, you nodded and started out of the throne room.


After he'd fallowed you back to your quarters (where all your sewing materials where kept), you had him sit on your bed; while you rummaging through your threads and extra material to patch up the holes.
You heard him sigh, it caught your attention due to it not being one of his normal 'hurry the F up' sortta sighs.
"Something on your mind, sir?" You asked, plucking a needle from the pincushion on your desk, then softly setting it back on the desk before walking over to the bed, sitting next to him with you materials. He shrugged your question off (which wasn't abnormal for the cold hearted god), the ray-like blue flames atop his head seeming to burn a bit brighter as you sat on his right. You put it off due to your room always seeming cold and the heat felt nice. You put the tip of the thread you where using in your mouth, before sticking it through the eye of the needle. Then you where taking his arm and starting to sew the sleeve back into place.
You hummed, bringing the needle up and down. You're skill astonishing to the god, even if he'd never admit it.
"Y/n..." Eclipse mumbled after a moment
You took the thread in your teeth, biting it off and nodding at your handiwork before replying in a calm tone, "yes, sir?"
Eclipse stared at you, you noticing a small bit of blue blush spreading across his cheeks.
Curiosity filled you as you still stood curious of his next response. But he didn't, he just shook his head with an embarrassed expression, a soft "nothing," He then shook his head, "never mind," escaping his lips.

You shrugged it off, before observing the other tears of the suit top.
"Sir-" you tried, before being (rudely..?) interrupted; "just... Eclipse." he said to you, slight annoyance in his voice.  You nodded, curiously wondering what was up with this new and sudden behavior change, but still shrugging it off so you could do your work to the best of your ability.
"Ah- sorry, alright-Eclipse.." his name felt so foreign... but it felt right at the same time-
What am I thinking?! That's the overlord of the underworld! Snap out of it Y/n!!
You internally shouted before finishing your sentence, "I'm.. going to need your coat to.. finish the rips there..." you embarrassedly stated as you pointed at the ripped cloth on his chest.

He seemed to look at you like you where crazy, his golden eyes narrower than usual, with one brow raised he asked, "can't you just..." he trailed off before standing up beside you, removing the jacket and placing it in your outstretched hands. You cocked your head at him and he just grumbled and shook his head.
You hummed your "formal" thank you as the jacket was placed in your hands.
You now only focused on your sewing, making sure not to prick yourself.
You'd only gotten about two stitches done (going on three), when you felt the presence of the overlord infront of you grow nearer; causing you to look up from the torn garment. He only came closer, causing you to take a step back. One turned to two, and so on.
This continued until your back hit the wall behind you. This, caught you off guard- coaxing a gasp out of you, and causing the garment you where stitching up to slip from your grasp.
Eclipse's arms now trapped you to the wall, one on either side of you. "Eclipse- what's the meaning of this-?!" You panicky asked asked through shallow breath. He only hummed, leaning in as his left arm came off the wall, taking your cheek in his cupped hand. His thumb gliding over your lips as he gazed down at you. You felt your cheeks burn bright red,
You soon felt his lips meet yours, causing your cheeks to heat up even further.
For literally having fire burn atop his head; he was surprisingly cold to the touch.
Before you knew it, the god had pulled away.
"Consider that... my thanks, little mortal"
He said before calm and collectedly walking out as if nothing ever happened.
You touched your hot face, wondering if that really just happened
"I just got kissed by a god..." you mused to yourself as you plucked the coat from the floor with a soft smile atop your lips.

I realized the title has nothing to do w/ the story but that's alr- ((it was a request from a friend so I can't change it🤷))

Celestial Interference             {💛TSAMS ONESHOTS & SCENARIOS💙}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें