Maybe..take a break with me? ((👾Lunar x Burntout artist!Reader🔥)

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Based upon lil-ol' Jax's current emotions, right about now. Because he's got a shit ton on his plate and it doesn't seem like anyone who knows be in real life cares enough to see the signs. And, as of current; someone I thought I could trust lied to me and betrayed me! I was vulnerable with them and they took advantage of that^^
But, no need to worry! By the time this is out I'll probably have a WHOLE different mindset.
So, no worries my friends! TwT

A/N: current lunar is being used here in this oneshot! The silly lil bean!!

A/N: current lunar is being used here in this oneshot! The silly lil bean!!

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This sweet lil fellow^ :)

Anyways...let's do this, shall we?

You sat on a beanbag in the corner of one of the back rooms in Lunar and Earths apartment. You'd be blankly staring at the lined/ unlined (I dunno what ppl prefer 😭) sketchbook paper who sat blankly and "stared" right back in-front of you. It sat on your lap, a blank piece of paper.

This wasn't a normal occurrence, though, unfortunately for you; you knew exactly what it was.


You sighed heavily, throwing your head back and tugging at your strands of hair in sheer frustration. You let your head hit the wall behind you, bapping it a few times in your now apparent frustration.

"Useless. Useless....-"

Those words where blankly uttered with every hit of your skull against the back wall behind you. The only reason you allowed yourself to do now that was because both Earth and Lunar where currently hanging out with Solar and Sun at some cafe down the street. They always stopped you, but sense they weren't here... you let it slide... (You didn't go due to the fact you felt like you where intruding on their family time. )
Your hands now clutched the paper as the useless feeling in your chest caused hot tears to well in the corners of your eyes. They soon rolled down your face, staining the page.

Why...why can't I just do what I'm SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO.

You where upset to say the VERY least. You wiped the tears from your eyes as you help your pencil with a shaky hand.. you now, once more blankly glared down at the page with malice in your eyes. You where angry. You where frustrated. You didn't know what to do at this point...- heard something, causing your head to snap up.
Who would be home?
Lunar said it'd be an hour or two- it haven't been 30 minutes yet-

"Starlight? Are you here?" You heard lunar's voice in the doorway, then the sound of the door closing paired with it.
You jumped in surprise, your legs coming up a bit to hide the sketchbook and yourself. You dropped your pencil and hid your tearstained eyes.
You heard Lunar's nearing footsteps. "You didn't text me back.. just wanted to check up on ya-"
When you heard his steps halt at the doorway, your head now slumped and looking at the floor beside you, you gave him a small wave of your hand, hoping he wouldn't ask and just leave.
He gave you a soft sigh, entering the room.
He knelt next to you, taking your cheek in his hand, cupping it as he rubbed his thumb across your tearstained cheeks. Your non dominant hand was raked into his other as he silently comforted you.

"Artblock?" He asked,

You shook your head sadly, your eyes refusing to meet his.

"Ohh... no.. burnout.. that's worse," he exhaled through his teeth; his foot now tapping the floor.
You heard him snap his fingers after about a minute.

"Aha! Here, star, come here," he beckoned, taking your hands in his and helping you up best he could.

He lead you into the living room hand and hand, before sitting you down on the large couch; with a wide smile on his face.
After your been successfully sat down, he was gone again. Into one of the back rooms of the apartment. You sat crosslegged on the couch, anxiously picking at a hangnail.
When lunar came back, he swatted your hand with a scoldful look. He wagged his finger, "nuh-uh my dear! None of that!" "Unhealthy, unhealthy" He scolded softly as he sat down next to you. You silently apologized as you just looked at him with a cocked head.
You only now noticing the blankets he held!

"Okay... I brought you your favorite blanket! And an extra incase your cold!" He explained, showing you, before handing you yours.
"And, my dear, if you'd like we could.." he became slightly flustered and shy before finishing his sentence, "..cuddle and watch F//M (favorite movie)? I'd love to watch it with you!..if you'd like!" His smile was wide and his eyes closed. His closed eye smile seemed to be contagious, as your frown seemed to be magically tugged into a small, soft grin.

"I.... I would love to.!" You replied as you unfolded your blanket.
Lunar excitedly nodded, jumping up and rushing off to get the movie's DVD and the remote.

The movie began, as Lunar sat on your lap. Your head rested on top of his, and your arms rested around his waist.
You contently sighed, happily feeling SO MUCH better. The fact you where completely distracted helped a lot.

You didn't feel useless,

You didn't feel horrible.

You felt...wanted; needed,

You felt, good.

Lunar softly leans back into you, "feeling any better?"
You nodded happily, leaning down and pecking his forehead.
"So, so much better..! Thank you, so, so much, my survivor."
He'd blush a bright blue-ish and flusteredly smile up at you with a slightly tilted head, "hah! No problem, Angel! Really-!" He'd pause, repositioning himself in your arms so he could see your face a bit better, "if it makes you feel better, I'd give you the moon..." he'd giggle as he rubbed the back of his neck; with another pause, "...lemme rephrase that; I'd give anything, anything to make you happy!" He said, reaching up and pecking your lips with his arms gently strung around your neck.
You snickered softly afterwards. Smiling like an idiot In love. You hugged him close.

Im never loosing you again lunar... that's a promise!

"I love you too, starlight. So, so much," You told him, resting your chin atop his soft moon-covered hat. You felt him shift beneath you before he softly replied; after yawning.

"I love you too, always have, always will. And I'll always, always, be here to help you! No matter what!! <3"


I worked really hard to get this out; I know I'm supposed to be on break but...I love y'all to much to leave y'all unfed xD
Now. Im going to go rest! Jax out!^^

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