In the depths{☀️🪸SeaSiren!Sunrise x Captian!Reader🏴‍☠️🍄}

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You stood silently on the bow of your ship. You watched as the once blue sky quickly turned to an inky grey.
"Damned storm..." you mumbled under your breath before tipping your large brimmed hat up and turning on the heel of your boot; walking back up to the center of the ships deck. You'd meet up with a few of your crewsmen.
You placed a hand on your hip as they abruptly stopped you dead in your tracks.

"Captin'! Storms comin' in real quick!"
"Should we batten down the hatches?"
"What needs to go below deck?"
They bombarded you with questions. You let out a annoyed sigh before raising your hand in annoyance, causing them to immediately stop their blabbering, while the other pinched the bridge of your nose as you scowled. We've done this shit enough for these idiots to know by now.. you thought in pure annoyance before speaking in a dry tone.

"All the crates and barrels go below deck, along with the sacks. This storm is going to be a bad one, I can tell, batten the hatches down,"
you instructed before watching them scatter. You folded your arms behind your back and sighed out once more, shaking your head. as you walked the deck, then up the small flight of wooden steps, and onto the upper deck where the wheel of your ship stood. You placed your dominate hand on the wheel, spinning it to the right quickly before catching one of its rough wooden pegs in that same hand.
With a heavy sigh out, you sailed into the oncoming storm.


Cold, heavy rain pattered down onto your large hat, some of it spilling onto your face as you steered the large sea craft. The wind battered the boat, as lightning lit up the sky.
You shook your head, one hand holding your hat in place as the other gripped the wheel.
You watched the remainder of your on-deck crew scuttle around to get everything below deck .
You quickly tredded down the slippery stairs back down onto the main deck.
You noticed someone moving slower than the stairs and at, causing you to hurriedly go over and assist them so everything can get inside. You now realized upon nearing that they where struggling to get one of the larger crates inside.

"Oi! Let me get it. Get inside where it's safe or help get something lighter, mate!" You bluntly barked over the loud wind. They gave you an understanding nod before rushing off. You, not caring where they went as you crouched down to grab the create.
You'd only got two steps in, when the strong wind and waves rocked the boat, causing you to stumble. You didn't even have time to scream or call out for help, when you felt the side rail of the ship meet your back, pain exploding in your back as you where thrown overboard into the dark waters. Everything felt like slow motion as you reached out as if grasping the air would save you....
You soon felt the cold liquid incase your whole being, feeling everything almost immediate go numb as you sank deeper, deeper, deeper.... it was so hard to keep your eyes open.... You let them close

I guess it's my time...


You had to be at least 20 feet underwater. You'd already lost your hat in the darkness. You'd open your eyes just to realize your blurring vision. Your lungs burning, feeling as if they'd burst right there. Now feeling being lost in your limbs.

You'd just given up.

I can't go down with my ship, so I'll just go down. Apologies, crew, I've failed you... you blankly thought as you drifted lower and lower.


You  suddenly felt the waters quickly shift around you, causing your closed eyes to snap open, what was it?! Probably a shark going to tear you to bits.. right? Get this HELL of drowning to death over with?

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