Don't worry you're safe with me, dear!(🌈🌸Earth x trans [FTM!!] reader⚧️🏳️‍⚧️))

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I'm not gonna lie I'm making this more for me then In general— I've been struggling with finding myself and fearing what people might think😅
But this one-shot is just a lot of fluffy comfort for anyone and everyone who's stressing over this like I am!! :]
((Lunar and Solar play a part in this one-shot too^^)

You'd ruffle your now short hair as anxiety and worry welled up from deep inside you.
What if she hated you now, like everyone else? What if she broke up with you? What if—
You stepped into the small hallway that led to your Girlfriend's room. You only had time to the door opened, before; you'd been playfully tackled into a hug by none other than Lunar!
"HII STARSHINE!! WE MISSED YOU- OH! EARTH YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE!" he excitedly yelled, removing himself from hugging you to cup his hands around his mouth before returning to it immediately afterward. He was only a smiling wider as he hugged you tighter.
You winced a small bit; before sighing jokingly--you couldn't be mad at the "kid" for misgendering you; you hadn't even come out to them yet, plus its so hard to be angry with Lunar, at all, period.

"Lunar let them go before you suffocate them," Solar said, you only now noticing him. He chuckled at his "cousin" as Solar was called. Lunar pouted and tightening the suffocating hug you were in.

"Lunar, we can't play Minecraft if you don't let them go," Solar retorted, his hands now on his tool-belt.
He looks so sassy-
you though with a soft giggle escaping you. That, definitely caught Lunar's attention as he almost immediately let go of you and scurried to get up. Once he was upright again, he offered you a hand, you took it and with a bit of effort; Lunar had pulled you to your feet. Once you were up, he was gone--you assumed he ran to the front security desk computer in the daycare due to thats where you always saw him playing games if it wasn't for him and his sisters show.

Solar sighed and smiled as he followed suit. He patted your shoulder as he walked by.

"Sorry about lunar, but at least he didn't call you a twink," he sighed out with a soft laugh as he fallowed the smaller animatronic, "consider yourself lucky."

You laughed at Solar and Lunar.
Solar always has told you jokes and made small puns when he assumed you were uneasy or anxious about something...or everything; and he was right, as per usual. You soon heard light footsteps from the overhead platform as you stepped further into the room; hugging yourself as your thoughts became a tornado once again.

As you saw earth descended the small staircase that led to the overhead platform, your anxiety welled up again. Her eyes noticed but she kept herself from asking as she greeted you with open arms: which was a relief.

"Hello? Darling!" She smiled widely as she saw you. A blush came to your cheeks as you meekly smiled back at her, giving her an awkward wave like a teen seeing their crush before that hand went up to scratch the back of your neck.
She walked over to you, giving you a soft hug, you tightly wrapped your arms around her in return.

When she pulled away, her head tilted to the side.

"Is something wrong, dearest? Something you would like to talk about...?" She asked, her hand now on your shoulder, "it's okay if you don't want to!."
You gritted your teeth and nodded. "I need to talk, Earth, please." You pleaded with your voice cracking.
Earth gave you a soft smile, her softly leading you by your back.  You nodded stiffly, your anxiety quite high at that very moment. Your hands balled into fists and your gaze stuck on the floor.


You sat on the lip of the foampit, fidgeting with your thumbs. Earth sat next to you, her hand on your back in a comforting manner.
"Tell me when your ready, love" she'd say with a comforting smile, "don't rush yourself, I'm here, not going anywhere!"

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