🧳🎫First impressions!!🎟️☁️ (multicharacter x reader scenarios!^^))

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His of you: you where a good cleaner, and actually placed the barrel's correctly.
You where okay by him; he enjoy the company at that!^^

You're of him: he was incredibly anxious, but you didn't mind! He's trying his best under a-lot of stress!
You liked him, he was nice to talk to! :3

Where you met: you where hired by Fazbear to help the poor guy clean

His if you: you where under the same amount of stress as his brother, causing him to take mercy on you. He thought you where a trooper and he respected that! ;>

Yours of him: he was incredibly smart, and you where amazed that he was from a different dimension! Dimensional travel is quite hard; you knew! You'd been trying for years! :DDD

Where you met: he met you in an altered dimension. You begged to come back with him to escape your hell, to which he agreed!

His of you: you where surprisingly stronger than the Y/n from his dimension. He was surprised you weren't just a weak mortal in every realm. He admired your bravery for actually swinging on him with no weapons of any kind! Just your bare hands!

Yours of him: confused where he came from. He was a pretty good fighter for looking like a house cat..
He talked all high and mighty but, heh... you weren't scared! You've fought off millions of au's from disturbing the peace of yours.

Where you met: you where a protecter of the dimension you lived in. When eclipse came through the portal; he was met with the welcome of a kick to the faceplate! >:D

Theirs of you:
1.) mortal...surprisingly nice! And they didn't scream when they saw us..?! How odd! Are they broken?!
2.) they look tasty!! Kill! Bloodshed! Bloodshed! Rip them apart!!•^•

Yours of them:
1.)he was okay, you liked that they weren't yelling 24/7 so your ears got a break. But honestly they weren't that detrimentally bad to be honest!
2.)he slightly annoyed you. Hurt your ears too- his constant yelling and demanding to "rip and tear mortals limb from limb" got a bit annoying after a bit but you got used to it! =^=

Where you met: the maintenance tunnels under the plex! You where sent down to "ward off the rats" everyone was complaining about....only to find out it was an animatronic! Lovely-

Theirs of you: you where so cool!! You where one of the best gamers he's met!! You beat the high score on like 10 games at the Faz-Cade!!!!

Yours of them: he was adorable, demanding to know how you where so good at games! You took "pitty" and took the small animatronic under your experienced wing.

Where you met: at the Faz-Cade. You had just one your 5'th jackpot!! Your pant leg was tugged. You looked down to meet Lunar's eyes and a demand of "TEACH ME-!"

His for you: you're a very kind individual, even willing to talk to a tall, scary looking animatronic! He admired you for that!

Yours for him: he was SOOOOO nice-! That's was surprising for his appearance-not to judge or anything!! And he was such a good cook, unexpected, but amazing!!

Where you met: in the woods. You'd hurt yourself and he took care of you until you healed! ^^

His of you:
Good worker. You got shit done in the quickest way possible! And you did it right! That was rare for Fazbear employees....majority where always slacking off; but you where a breath of fresh air!

Yours of him: he was an amazing person!! He could fix pretty much anything in no time at all! You looked up to him for that!

Where you met:The plex assigned you to help Solar fix everything up around the complex! You where happy to take the challenge while Solar was skeptical for a bit

Hers of you: you had a hard time trusting people, and from what you've told her; that's completely valid! She loved that you where comfortable enough to talk to her anytime you needed. She loves you, and cares deeply for your well-being!

Yours of her: she was the sweetest person you'd ever met! Sugar incarnation for sure!!
You could tell her anything, she was a shoulder to cry on, and you trusted her! Perfect package! You simply adored the celestial sister!

Where you met: Sun and Lunar introduced the two of you!! You had been bottling stuff up and the boys got worried; hints taking you to their sister!! ^^

Theirs of you: splendid individual, splendid indeed! He adored you! You didn't just look at him and assume anything, and liked talking to him for him! He enjoyed your help in fixing things now and again, aswell as talking to you!

You're of him: you loved ruin! You where so confused why no one else trusted him! You loved that silly boy with everything in ya!! >^<

Where you met: Solar introduced you when ruin came in to the parts in services to get a tool for a personal project! :3

His for you: you where respectable. He liked you. That was no secret!
He enjoyed hanging out with both you and lunar. The both of ya make his day!

Yours for them: you... never expected to meet a-humanoid star, but here we are (( that rhymed! :3)
You adored Castor! He was so cool in your eyes! Even if he was so serious, him and lunar never failed to bring a smile to your face!^^

Where you met: Lunar introduced you two!! The three of You guys hung out alot afterwards! You guys clicked really well!

Hers for you: you're amazing! She thinks very highly of you! Ever sense Earth introduced the two of you; she's been trying to "catch up with you" ((meaning trying to learn everything about you xD)

Yours for them:they're a lot more upbeat than their other half, but you enjoyed that!! She was so nice, and hanging out with her and Earth was always a blast!!

Where you met: Earth randomly introduced the two of you! Your trio hangs out a lot, and sometimes it's just you and Pol! >^<

🎃Jack'O Moon:
His for you: he thought you where an intruder trying to hurt Luanr.......

You about got dagger hands'ed- TwT

Yours for him: you where confused how one minute you where standing & talking to Lunar; and the next your on the floor with a Jack'o lantern about to impale you-
Afterwords Lunar explained; you thought Jack was pretty cool!

Where you met: you where taking to lunar in a common area of the open one second, the next you're on the ground with a dagger to your throat—-

Theirs for you: heavy breathing

Yours for them: he's silly :]

Where you met: he just appeared one day✨✨✨(xD))

Theirs for you: you where nice... very nice.! It was a good difference from eclipse! He loved you to death! All he wanted was you safe and happy!<33

Yours for him: he.. broke eclipse's finger with...what seemed like no effort! You where amazing to say the least! Not to mention you felt forever indebted!! You adored the tall four-armed animatronic! =^=

Where you met:eclipse was picking on you, and Blu wasn't taking that. Long story short, eclipse's index finger was broken afterwards! :D

His for you: you where one of the most adorable audience members he's had! Your cheers and looks of amazement as he tumbled and flipped made this dragons day!! :DD

Yours for her: they where amazing! Their flexibility and skill was immaculate! They where so graceful and talented! =]

Where you met: at one of Ky's rare acrobatic acts! You where confused on why this adorable little dragon didn't do those more often! He was amazing!!

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