Oho! Another stray cloud! (🀄️🪷Kylo x fantasy loving!reader📚🪄)

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Yet again I got bored so here's another oc oneshot!! Kylo was my first fnaf sb oc! Their a humanoid dragon, very sweet & polite boyo :]
Also, let's just say our Y/N gets lost easily, it'll tie in later! x3
So hope y'all like it!! Les do this!

You where way more than slightly panicked, as you where clutching the fantasy novel you where currently reading in your arms as if your very life depended upon it. You hadn't yet realized your that nails where digging into the poor book's hard cover.

You seemed to have gotten yourself lost, yet again. Now being completely separated from your group of "friends", leaving you strayed, alone, to wander aimlessly in the giant plex. But, this was not the first time they'd gone off and left you behind, though. And sadly enough, certainly not the last.
You then shook your head as you continued walking, praying that you'd accidentally run into one of your friends, or maybe even the whole group at that!

You hopelessly wandered around, past Bonnie bowl and now going past the entrance to the daycare. You sighed, feeling hopeless yet again. Why. Why cant I just find good friends?!...I suck.. you thought.
You soon found a spot beside a Fizzy-Faz machine, before throwing your backpack on to the cold ground. You slumping down right after you saw it hit the floor itself. In the process you failed to notice your book falling from your grasp, now open on the floor just a little ways away from you.

Your knees where pulled up, your arms folded together on top of them as you just broke down, sobbing into your arms.
About a weeks worth of holding your emotions in to yourself was currently breaking through the "mask" you'd been wearing for weeks on end.

It was greatly embarrassing to say the least.

You knew your so-called friends would laugh hysterically if they saw you in this state of disarray... Thankfully you where alone to cry in the darkened hallway leading to the daycare. The only sound was the buzzing of the soda machine next to you mixed with the commotion of distant children giggling and screaming; your muffled sobs now joining the chorus.

Or so... that's all you had heard..

Failing to notice the sound of large, metallic steps joint with the mechanisms that allows them to move.

Kylo's Pov:
Clank, clank, clank!
I could hear my every step against the checkered tile flooring as I went over my patrolled rout for the third time around. I hummed the tune of 'the Mary-go-round of life' as my wings fluttered a bit, my tail also swaying with the little bit of pep I had in my step today.

Okay... left here, daycare hallway; then check in with Sunny to see if any of the kiddo's escaped his line of sight again... I reversed to myself as I turned into the long brick hallway. I walked with a half on my hip, admiring the large, fancy screams with the Moon and Sunny-drop candy advertisements. The art was so lovely! Always brought my face to a grin.
I wish I was cool enough to get one of these! But sunflower and starlight really deserve these! They work really hard, and well together!
I was so caught up in thought, it took me a moment to hear the soft sobs coming from someone nearby. My long metallic ears twitched upon hearing it, my earrings jingling. My white eyes darted around, um and down. Where-

Then I noticed the other side of the nearest Fizzy-Faz machine wasn't in my line of sight.
Ah, there. Gotcha, little one.

I took a few more steps forwards, before looking back over to see someone. They where curled up, reminding me of a Pillbug, as they sobbed into their arms. My face softened to that of sympathy. My eyes soon darted to a book on the floor, close to them. I picked it up, closing it and dusting off the cover. Oh! I've heard this novel is so good!
I slowly stepped right up to them, before allowing myself to drop to my knees about a foot in front of them. My wings folded in close to my back, while my tail curled around in-front of me. Tilting my head with a soft smile, I finally spoke
"Hello, little dragonet! What's with the storms? How can I help?"
I watched them jolt up, the tears in their eyes glistening with the fluorescent advertisements lining the walls. Their cheeks where tear stained, and they where shaking.

"I-I got..lost....a-a-" they trailed off, and i sat there, intently.

"take your time, it's okay."
I replied as they choked down more tears and continued. They avoided eye contact as they did so.

"And...my friends left me behind...."
"Oh...no! I'm so sorry my dearest knight! They don't sound like very good soldiers at all!"
"N-no they're n-not... but... I'm too scared to tell them that..."
"I understand my dear, completely!"
I smiled softly as their eyes lit up after I'd said that. I nodded and relaxed my wings a bit, letting them sink down a little bit.
"I, also believe this is yours!" I said, pushing the hard-covered book towards my new found knight. (A/N: Ky's "knights" are what he dubbs his friends :3)) a small smile cracked over their tear stained cheeks, as they scooped the book up into their arms, their arms coming into an 'x' around the re-acquired reading material as they hugged it close to themselves. They repeated "thank you" over and over. I smiled widely now, my fangs exposed as I watched them happily.
"It's no problem, I know how scary reality can be! And loosing your escape is the absolute worst!"
They softly nodded in reply.


Me, and who I learned to be Y/N, sat and talked about our favorite fantasy movies & books, favorite characters, favorite fantasy weapons, creatures, you name it! They'd calmed down a lot. I was so glad to see the person I'd found crying, to now be smiling widely, rambling happily about the book they where currently reading. I happy grinned at them, my tail softly wagging upon the floor as I intently listened.

After a moment, their phone lit up. They looked over at it and frowned for a moment.
"I- im so sorry Kylo, my parents are here, I've got to go..!"
"Ah! It's alright, my dear knight. We shall meet again! I'm sure of it!" I exclaimed with enthusiasm, my fist raised to the sky and my wings outstretching a bit before they came back in to hug my figure. Y/n giggled before they swiftly pounced on me, tackling me down into a hug. I sat in shock for a moment before wrapping my arms around them, and invading them with my wings. I smiled, savoring the moment.

"Don't worry, my knight. If those useless soldiers of yours betray you again; I'll be here to burn their kingdoms down!" I reminded with a great, wide smile.

"Okay, I will, bud!" They replied, before getting up and gathering their things to go.

AHHH HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON REFERENCE??!!? OH MY STARS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH- you thought happily, a big grin placed over the previous frown.
I smiled as I watched them leave. They slung their bag over their shoulder and ran off waving back to me.
I couldn't get them off my mind as I skipped to the daycare.
Till we meet again, dearest knight!



Anyways! That's it for now!
Love y'all! Jax out!

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