We can be lonely together! (💙🌙Past!Lunar x Outcasted! Reader❤️‍🩹🎧)

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This'll be a comfort story bc I've been feeling like shit lately— but I won't stick on that topic..... 😓
Lunar is the best comfort bean! So hope y'all can find as much comfort in this as I did!(✿◡‿◡)

Hearing a scream through the lyrics of the song you'd already been blaring just causing you to causally grab your phone, to only turn the volume up higher and readjust the headphones atop your head. Clutching the pencil in your hand tighter as you sketched out another drawing in your sketchbook.
Eh atleast noone'll make fun of me here... you thought with a heavy sigh.
Why do your parents even still leave you here??? You're way too old to be in a daycare. And people at school saw you one time and thought it was a riot.....leaving you to be mocked yet again... nothin new tho.

But it wasn't absolutely awful here, none of your classmates would be caught dead here so it's a break from their shit—but the downside was it was full of LOUD little kids and nothing to do for you.....
But you could sit up in the rarely used play structures and go almost unbothered! Give ya a lil break!
Tho it was  a bit lonely there, due to the Sun headed animatronic was WAY too loud for you & the Sun's brother was only out in the dark, and he scared ya a bit anyway..
But you'd failed to notice the Moon's 'alternate personality'.
Sure you noticed he'd sometimes seem to have an altered color pallet, while having a bit of a different appearance but that's about it.
You just assumed it was a costume change for him or something mixed with the darkness they where out in.

How wrong you where.


Soon the lights went out; Naptime.
You huffed, pausing your music and setting your sketchbook down. In your opinion wasting the battery on using the flashlight was NOT worth it...
But before you could resume listening to the song you'd paused.... You heard something, causing you to jump and yank the headphones off so you could hear whatever was nearing you.

Soon you saw a faint yellow glow come from
The tunnel to your right. You clutched your phone anxiously, before seeing a light blue-colored version of the moon animatronic. A small silver crescent sat atop the animatronic's nightcap—-which was a lot larger than Moondrop's. The new beings hat seeming more like a hood.

"Hiya shooting star! Whatcha doin up here all by yourself?"
They asked, their voice cheery and child-like as they pulled themselves into the structure and out of the small slide.
"Oh! And Is it okay if i come closer?" They asked as they crouched down, trying to stand the best they could in the small tunnel-like structure.

"U-uhm..." you mumbled before waving slightly, "hello... I was drawing-now it's too dark..... And yes you may," you answered softly before watching him cheerily smile before softly setting cross-leggedly on the padded flooring beside you. He put his hands in his lap as he cocked his head a bit to the left.
"So whats your name, lil star?" He questioned, "never see you here before—but I'm fairly new here so that's not sayin much!" He let out a small giggle before awaiting your answer.
"My name is Y/n, how about you?" You'd reply, already feeling really comfortable with this animatronic. They smiled at you, excitedly offering you their hand for a shake, you took it.
"I'm lunar! Sun & moons younger brother!" They explained with grin. You swore their smile was contagious because soon you caught it.
"So Y/n, whatcha doin up here?" They asked, their faceplate rotating to the left a bit, the bell on the end of his hood jingling. It reminded you of a cat—causing you to giggle a bit.
"Eh- it's quiet up here," you explained with a shrug, "plus no one here is my age," you huffed. You'd pull your knees to your chest and lay your arms and head down atop them.
Lunar gave you a reassuring smile, before speaking again, "you'd get along with Moony really well" he replied with a giggle, "he's not the biggest fan of the littles either; that's why I help him!"
You snickered a bit who ever thought a DAYCARE ATTENDANT wouldn't like kids? You thought, causing you to laugh more. Lunar seemed happy he was bringing a smile to your face.

After awhile of just talking back and forth, you felt tiredness sneak up on ya. Your eyes drooping a bit as you let out a yawn. Your arms and legs stretched out straight, before you placed your arms back atop your lap and tucked your legs to your left side.
Lunar soon took notice, then decided you needed a nap just like the littles. Even if you where y/a (your age)); doesn't exempt you from nap-time! Never too old for a lil extra sleep!
"Hey, y/n? you seem tired—how about you take a nap? I mean it's a lot easier to catch-up on sleep now due to the kids not running around and screaming and the lights bein' out!" He explained, "and you could lean on me? I'm probably a little more comfortable then the walls of the play structure; moon built this body to be comfy for the kids incase then run into me or something of the sort!"
You pondered it a minute before nodding and sliding your sketchbook out of the way. You scooted closer to Lunar, before setting your head on his shoulder and putting your headphones on again and playing a soft song from a game you liked.
((Fallen down from Undertale!^^))
Lunar set his arm over your shoulders, before asking, "comfy?" He tilted his head a bit. You sleepily nodded, and he replied with a content hum.
You soon found yourself asleep, comfortable, and no longer lonely.

Who knew good friends could just find ya in play structures? You certainly didn't, but you where glad nonetheless<3



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