You're definitely not a tree...(🖤🗡️KILLCODE x short reader🤍🌟)

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Hehehehehe I'm actually feeding kc's children (fans/simps) for him bc he's dead 😃✌️
Someone's gotta do it- ykyk?^^✨
(Small note; [my au] KC has his normal form {the rlly tall one} and then a shorter one- so in other words he can change his height at will- kinda like lunar w/ his nanno-bots! Sooo yeahh-)


I'm lost

You huffed to yourself as you continued limping through the large, dense forest. You skillfully hiked across the uneven ground even with your ankle that you'd stupidly twisted earlier.
Taking in the surrounding spooky, leafless trees; their branches seeming to desperately reach for the sky. The soon setting sun hit your back as you treaded forward

But, you where soon stopped...

A.. noise...

That didn't sound like a deer, or any other thing that lived in a place like this...

It sounded like...
Metal. Heavy metal footsteps. Approaching you.

You quickly ducked behind a large tree, your knees pulled to your chest as you tried to keep your breathing as silent as humanly possible.

"I thought I heard something..." you heard a gravely voice from high above you, hearing the footsteps once again near the tree, something sounding akin to claws sliding away at the bark on the tree to your left.
Biting your lower lip you shoved your head further into your knees, your eyes squeezed tightly shut as the footsteps got closer... and closer... until....

They sounded as if they where right on top of you...

Your breathing hitched as you felt the presence of someone standing to your left, you could almost feel the eyes of whatever, or whoever, stood there bore into you. While you just shivered, back resting against the tree as you tried to make yourself as small as possible.

Then, you felt it-

A large, clawed hand take the back of your shirt; seeming to pick you up as if it was nothing. Holding you akin to that of a cat. Yet they where gentle enough not to hurt you...
Odd.. odd for sure.

You felt the pain in your ankle cease, only a bit, due to being only now no pressure remained on it.
Soon you felt a cold breath on your face... and that was the last straw! You finally opened your eyes; slowly, revealing something you definitely wouldn't expect....

Staring back at you, was a roughly 10 foot tall humanoid animatronic with the head of a moon, beady red eyes and sharp claws. His large faceplate shifted to your left as you stared at him in bewilderment.

"Are you lost, human?" It finally spoke, making you jump (not that it mattered much because you where being held easily 10 feet above the ground.) His voice deep and oddly calming.

"Lost? Tsk, no I'm not lost..." you huffed, before feeling a sharp pain in your ankle, causing you to flinch and grit your teeth. "I'm just fucking hurt-" you cursed, sneering at yourself for tripping and twisting your ankle.

"Lost and hurt..." the animatronic shook its head; letting out a deep sigh. It reminded you of a parental figure, and even if his faceplate's emotion didn't change you sensed disappointment as his voice box made a clicking noise that surely resembled it.

"Wha- I'm not hurt!" you protested against him as you struggled in the large animatronics' grasp, "not that bad!". You'd turned wrong, catching your ankle. You hissed and closed your eyes, grinding your teeth.
He sighed out again in apparent annoyance, shaking his head. You could hear the bell on the end of his long, torn and ripped nightcap. His red eyes closed as you where gently placed over his shoulder.

"you obviously are, you're coming with me. I'll get you all patched up" the animatronics' raspy voice muttered as he started in the opposite direction of which you'd came from.
After a bit of mental debating, you'd decided not to protest with the giant. From what you'd seen, he's basically a gentle giant.... plus you don't have to walk on your sprained ankle this way; so win win, right?you thought with a shrug.


You'd  realized you must've accidentally fallen asleep while the animatronic was carrying you (which surprised you being he was made of metal) but you seemed rested anyways...
Your new surroundings finally came into view; you rested with your head on the lap of what seemed to be a resting animatronic, your ankle and foot were wrapped in a white cloth bandage, and a warm campfire crackled in the dark. you slightly panicked when your backpack wasn't still upon your back, but you quickly eased when you saw it on a nearby stump. After you calmed down from your minor panic. You looked back up into the now open, red eyes of the animatronic, causing you to jump again.

"Ah, sorry to scare you- err..." the animatronic trailed off a bit, before you piped up.
"My name is Y/N,"
"mph.... alright. my apologies for scaring you."
"Eh all good,"
"what's your name? scary tall robot man?" you asked-jokingly with a playful grin; finally mustering up a bit of courage.
"it's Kill Code, but I prefer to go by KC," he told you. You replied with a simple nod, and another silent look around.
"Do you live here?" you asked after a moment, earning a nod from him.

"People are usually scared of me, so I live out here," he said with his full smile dimming only if it could.
you felt a bit sad for him, replying with giving him a sloppy hug. (Your movement was a bit limited due to your ankle.)
He awkwardly hugged you back, seeming a bit confused.
"Thank you," he said, his dementor bighting a bit.
"Your welcome KC. but- nah thank you! you're the one who patched me up!"
he nodded "it was no problem, it's the least I could do."
you hummed a sweet reply, with a smile atop your lips, "alright. thank you again, KC."



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