First dates!❤️❤️ (multichsracter x reader scenarios))

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•takes you to a small cafe!
•Surprise!! It's a cat cafe! :D
•he absolutely adores the place, and you do too :3
•your time is spent happily petting felines and talking quietly with sun about anything and everything that came to mind! >w<

•you two just sit in his room, soft lights and comforting atmosphere; you get why moon likes it up here!
•he rants you about the different au's, the stars, Eclipse & Bloodmoon, and a bit of other stuff
•but after that's don't he'll listen and if for advice to you about stuff you rant about! (He'll 9 times out of 10 be working on something in the process, don't worry tho, he's listening!^^))

•he takes you to help his destroy au's for fun! >:D
•you see both the side of him that's murderous and malicious; but also a bit of compassion due to the fact you'd miscalculated a move and gotten yourself hurt TwT
•he patched you up in no time!^^
•he also checked if you where okay like 10 times afterwords. =3

•dark alleyway.
•killing spree!!
•that's it! •^•

•Takes you stargazing, and has a lil picknic<33
•He loves pointing out all his favorite consolations to you
•food is just basically all you'd favorite sweet foods (Earth and him has made them the day prior :3)
•he's so very happy to be with you, and get to show you where he'd been all that time (reference to the void when he died))

•you two don't go out
•he cooks lunch/dinner for you!
•he makes whatever you want!^^
•once that's done you guys bake together! (If you can't, don't worry he'll teach you)
•the rest of the day is spent eating sweets in-between long conversations!! :P

One of two options:

•1.) he teaches you to fix/ you help him work on something broken in the daycare/around the plex!
•he's super protective about the way things are fixed  (mainly due to he doesn't want you hurt!)
•he guides you by your waist
•he's surprised how much of a natural you are
•by the end, he congratulates you for you first job done and (jokingly)) tells you you start on the job Monday xD


•2.) he takes you to his old dimension. Back to a favorite restaurant/eatery. He buys you dinner :3
•after he shows you around a bit, telling you about his past, his brothers, his daycare...etc
•you felt both sympathy, and pride that he was comfortable enough to share this with you.
•when you guys get back, you convince him to cuddle and rest with you >:3

•he's too scared of messing everything up, so you get to choose!
•he's just happy he gets to go on a date with you!
•don't worry, he'll love anything and everything you choose!
•no sweat! He loves you and it happy with literally anything! >^<

•indoor date!
•during a rainy day
•you two can bake, you can vent/gossip to her, or you two can cuddle and watch a movie (or anything i between!)
•Earth is just happy your happy :D

•blu is a gentleman!
•takes you to a fancy restaurant, high end everything
•he lets you get ANYTHING you want!
•you better let him pay, he'll fight you over the bill- :>
•after, they'll either walk you home, (or if you want to stay with them due to your preference [it being closer, etc])-he'll lead you, hand and hand either way with a wide smile over his faceplate! •^•

•he takes you to a bookstore!
•he'll buy you whatever types of books you want (while he takes the fantasy section :]))
•afterwords he'll take you for coffee/tea (or whatever you prefer!^^))
•when you guys get back to the plex you guys cuddle and Ky reads to you! (Or if you'd rather read to him, baby isn't opposed =])

🎃Jack'O Moon:
•baby don't get it—
•he runs up to you, pats your head then goes "RETURNING TO THE DARKNESSSS"
As he runs away =w=

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