Chapter 9 - Mine

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"So...?" McGee chirps as Jimmy and I step off of the elevator. It's been three months since Gibbs changed the rule back. Our team was finally back to normal.

"So what?" I ask with a sly smile on my face.

"Oh come on! You know what I mean."

"You're right. We do know." Jimmy smiles down at me, wrapping his arms around my waste.

"It's a girl." Jimmy and I say together. Everyone looks excited except for Ziva.

"Congratulations." Gibbs says without cracking a smile, but his eyes show his excitement.

"Zi? Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yes... I'm fine." Ziva sniffles. I can easily tell she's lying to me.

"Ziva, what's wrong?" Jimmy asks, walking over.

"Nothing... Alright, fine... Tony and I went to the doctor the other day because I can not get pregnant... Well, I never will. I physically cannot."

"Ziva... I'm so sorry. I feel awful." I say bending down to her level.

"It hurts. It really does." Tony says.

"Sorry, man. We didn't know." Jimmy says to Tony.

"Maybe you can adopt?" McGee suggests.

"It's not the same. I want my child to be mine. Not someone else's." Ziva says.

"The only way we could have that happen is if we get a surrogate... But how are we supposed to find someone willing to do that?" Tony asks, crushed.

"That's a tough thing to do for someone, but I'm sure you'll find someone who will... It may just take some time." Gibbs says.

"I don't know. Everyone we've asked doesn't seem to think so." Ziva frowns.

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