Chapter 10 - Stand Behind

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"Hey. Are you ok? You've been in here all night." Jimmy says as he crawls in to our bed.

"Yeah. Just thinking." I respond.

"What were you thinking about?"

"Tony and Ziva."

"Why Tony and Ziva?" Jimmy looks at me confused.

"Ziva wants a child of her own so bad... And no one is willing to help her, unless..." I look up at Jimmy who is blatantly confused, "You know what? Forget it. It's stupid."

"Ashton. Tell me what you're thinking." Jimmy puts his hand on mine.

"After I recover from having our baby... I'd like to be a surrogate for Ziva." I look at Jimmy and see the thought he's putting into this. He sits contemplating for a few moments before speaking again.

"Well... If you're up for having a fifth pregnancy carrying a child that isn't your own, I think it's a fantastic idea."

"I think I am. No one else cared enough to be there for them. I do."

"Me too. I'm proud of you. For standing up to help family. I know it will be hard for all four of us, but it will be very rewarding in the end. I love you, sweet heart."

"I love you, too."

*Squad Room*

"Why on earth did you need me to call an emergency meeting?" Gibbs asks me as Jimmy, Ducky, Jeanine, and Abby enter the bull pen.

"Because. Ashton and I have something very important to tell you all. It will affect many of us." Jimmy says as he comes and stands behind me.

"What is it, Mr. Palmer?" Ducky asks.

"After discussing it last night, we have decided that once I am recovered from having our baby..." As I say this I look over to Ziva and see her expression drop, "I will act as Ziva's surrogate."

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