Chapter 14 - More Than It Is

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"Jimmy, what took you so long? Are you ok? You look confused." I ask as I see him walk into the restaurant.

"What? Oh yeah... No, I'm fine." Jimmy mumbles.

"Ok then. If you're sure." I look back down at my menu.

*At Home*

"Jimmy... About earlier..." I say quietly. Jimmy slowly rolls over in bed and looks at me.

"Yes, dear?" Jimmy asks sweetly.

"What happened? Why were you so flustered? Is there something I should know about that I don't?"

"No... I mean... Well... It's complicated." He finally spits those words out before putting his face in his pillow.

"James. Seriously. What's going on?" I ask starting to become worried.

"Ok... After you and Tony walked in the restaurant, Ziva told me she wanted to talk to me. Of course I said yes. She started telling me how thankful her and Tony are that we are doing this for them and... And when she was done..." He pauses and looks away from me.

"When she was done, what?!" I ask frustratedly.

"When she was done she kissed me! Ok? Happy? God why do things like this keep happening to me?" He rolls over in despair. I can hear him softly crying to himself.

"Jimmy..." I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't! I know you're upset and I wouldn't want to make it worse." He knocks my hand off his shoulder.

"Jimmy, that is not true at all. I know you love me. You prove it to me all the time. You wouldn't let something be more than what it is. It was one little kiss. So what? We love each other and trust each other. That's all that matters, right?" Ever so slowly Jimmy rolls over to look at me. I see tears dripping down his face.

"You're really not mad?"

"How could I ever be mad at you? You're my best friend and I love you more than life itself!" I say as I kiss him.

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