Volume 1 Chapter 5: Summoning Jutsu!

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Sakura sat there trying to remember what happened next in the show. That's when it hit her. She was suddenly standing next to the table and chairs. She ate her breakfast and took a apple for the road. "Thanks for the help, ma'am." She left the house by the sea as quick as the wind itself.

Her body felt lightweight as her heart felt as heavy as an iron anchor in the sea. "I have to save them from death. I can't afford to lose them." She tried to jump but her legs collapsed underneath her. She face planted and slid on the dirt ground. "I have to save them!" She punched the ground with tears forming in the corner of her eyes. "Say my name, child. And I shall help you accomplish anything you desire." She looked up and looked around confused. "You unlocked my seal, just say my name to complete our soul bond. The goddess sealed me in your soul until you reached a certain age. But you used medical Ninjutsu to bypass the seal. If you want to save your friends then say my name!"

Sakura still had a broken left arm and her entire body was a complete wreck. But she's used to this kind of pain. It's nothing compared to her old life of constant pain. "As long as you don't do anything crazy, I'm willing to work with you. It's my desire to become the Hokage and a symbol of peace for the world. Will you really help me achieve that feat by defeating all of my enemies mercilessly?" He grinned widely as he laughed amused by her bold words. "Unlike that fox, I'm happy to help my host but only because I'm bored out of my mind. But as soon as you die I'm free to roam the world again, deal?" "After I've achieved world peace and if and whenever I kick the bucket after that. Yeah, you are free to roam but you must vow to never touch the leaf village violently." He grumbled deeply. "Hmph, very well then human. I accept your annoying terms." She got up from the ground and spoke up in a serious tone of voice. "Zod, I accept your offer of help." Sharp and strong winds blew around her but she stood her ground. The wind subsided and a huge Chinese Dragon was clear to see on front of her eyes. She went from being really serious to fangirling? Her eyes began to sparkle with amazement. "Wow you are so cool looking! There's no way you are my new partner in crime!" He looked at her sideways. "Did you just call us partners and not master and...?" She smiled brightly as the sun. "We are in this together. Let's go change the world together, Zod?" She held out her right hand in the form of a clenched fist. He reached out with one of his many limbs and used one of his claws to return the strange gesture of comradery.

Black, gold, & dark brown Chinese dragon with wood antler horns coming from their head. They have 8 legs that look they are made out of obsidian with gold claws. Gold fiery eyes with black dragon shaped pupils that glow cherry blossom pink whenever they use their gold lightning Jutsu or other godly abilities.

Sakura looked at his size and hummed to herself. "Can you change your size? I rather not have you spook my Sensei and friends." He shrank and floated there in the air for more instructions. She pointed at her neck. "You can just wrap around my neck for the time being, so we can be close to each other." He did as she suggested. She felt her body warm up from within as his eyes began to glow pink. "Now you should be recharged enough to fight and also heal yourself. I'll only supply you of small portions of my power at a time until your body is used to it." She grabbed her hurt arm and used medical Ninjutsu to heal it back to being a healthy arm. She shook her arm and smirked pleased. "Nice, now I can fight at full strength. That damn Zabuza is going to pay in blood." She pushed off the ground and continued to sprint towards the bridge.

Naruto and Sasuke were both down for the count and slowly bleeding out from being cut so many times. Haku was just about to end their lives when suddenly their mirror Jutsu was shattered! Glass went flying in all directions as if the dome exploded from within!? She landed in front of her two friends and unleashed a very powerful wind and petal attack called, "Floral Vortex."

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