Volume 3 Chapter 4: Chūnin Exams Begin Once Again!

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She sprinted towards him only to sense danger coming from both sides. Two Susanoo covered in spiraling water armour swung their gigantic hands her way. She clapped her hands together and continued sprinting. Two petal hands equally large stopped them in their path. Sakura exhaled deeply as she begun to emit lightning from her fingertips and the soles of her feet. The ram of wood was scorched by her footsteps. She leaped towards Hashirama and clenched her fist. His eyes widened as a fist of petals and golden electricity formed in the air next to her. She was smiling widely with excitement. He clenched his fists and copied her technique and created two fists of wood. His punch was stronger and so she was blasted backwards coughing out blood. She transformed the ramp into a giant hand and caught herself. She slid back a few feet as she landed on her feet. She started to straighten out but then Madara and Tobirama rushed her from both sides with several clones. She held out her hands and Shurikens of petals flew their way she leaned back only to just barely dodge Hashirama's swift kick. She threw a lightning fast punch but he dodged it easily. He jabber her in the throat and then the side. She stumbled backwards trying to breathe. But her throat hurt so much. She leaped into the air and dodged the roots from wrapping around her ankles. They were all being careful enough not to look into her sharingan left eye. She landed a few meters away and held up her arms. Two hands of petals appeared just in time to protect her from a flaming fire ball and razor sharp water attack. She was being overwhelmed by their overpowering physical strength. She needs to improve her physical strength so she can fight for longer and withstand heavy blows. As well as hit her enemies harder.

Sakura was reaching her limit fast. She grew a second fox tail and felt her self control slowly slip away as the power clouded her mind. "I need to become stronger." She took a step forward and they three instantly felt her aura heat up. Her strikes were fiery and hot to the touch. Her movement were faster than before but they are normal either. They could easily keep up and still easily overpower her. She was knocked down to the ground hard. She was still too weak. She laid there on her side unable to move anymore. Her body felt heavy, her eyes felt heavy, her mouth was dry, and her nose was bleeding. "I can't fight anymore…" She passed out. They all rushed towards her panicked. She pushed herself too far again.

Time Skip!

Chūnin Exams Begin Once Again!

Sakura approaches her best friend Ino and says out loud with Sasuke trailing behind. "You can have him if you want. I've decided to focus on bringing back Naruto and getting stronger." She gestured behind her at Sasuke. Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji looked at her shocked. "Oh and if I would date anyone here, it would be Shikamaru. I like a guy with high intelligence. Not saying Sasuke isn't smart but he's my teammate and that's kinda of weird to think about. So no thanks." She walked past the trio and headed towards the front to stand in the front. She looked over at her Sensei and nodded her head. He nodded back. Sakura saw the sand village Jōnin and Kabuto were still in place. She got ready to move. Minato announced the rules and Deja Vu hit Sakura. The instant they said something about setting up pairs by random or if someone wanted to step forward. Sakura held up her hand.

Sakura stepped forward and said out loud,"Hey there, Kabuto. I heard from Sasuke you are pretty strong. Let's fight and show off to the others that we are on top in our village." He went to decline her offer but then suddenly he sensed and saw an elder dragon behind her. Her aura of bloodlust was immesureable and overwhelming. He stepped forward upon instinct. "Sure, why not." Everyone was told to make their way to the banisters.

Sakura saw Minato and everyone she cares about spectating from the sidelines. She smirked smugly as she held out her right hand up to her mouth. She made a hand sign and waited for the proctor to say fight. She closed her right eye and then she heard,"Fight!" Her eyes shot open and everyone saw she had a Sharingan in her left eye. She shouted out internally,"Genjutsu, Eternal Suffering!" She walked up to him casually. She created a blade of wind. "Your master stole my friend from me. I was going to play coy for a while. But I've changed my mind. The sand wants to destroy my home, huh? The sound village created by Orochimaru, wants the leaf gone? Heh, that's hilarious. A past student of mine, wants to declare war? Alright, that sounds like fun." She stabbed him in the stomach. He was being restricted by gravity as he stood there against his will. "I'm going to destroy your mind and then your body. We don't need you in the future. You are more just a insect that needs to be exterminated." She snapped her fingers and a great elder dragon appeared behind her. "You may devour any of his chakra as you desire. Be sure to make it as painful as possible." "I'd love to." He licked his lips and then lunged towards Kabuto. He screamed out in brutal agony. She walked away from him and then grinned widely as she said out loud,"A traitor to the leaf doesn't deserve mercy, isn't that right? Hokage Minato?" She was back to reality as she closed her left eye. Kabuto fell to his knees looking lifeless and broken. "You are correct. Kabuto, you are under arrest. For betraying the leaf by selling secrets and working with Orochimaru to kidnap my son." Everyone there gasped in shock. Sakura walked away from Kabuto and towards the stairs. "You should have kidnapped me, instead."

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