Volume 1 Chapter 8: Preliminary Fights!

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She grabbed the scroll from the sound Ninja and walked towards Lee. He was sitting up against a tree trunk. He looked up to see her holding out the scroll. He went to say something but she just smiled weakly at him. He caught the scroll and watched her limp and head towards the tower all by herself.

Sakura fell to her knees in front of her two teammates gripping onto the other scroll. "Sasuke. Naruto. I got here as fast as I could." They both asked all sorts of things but she didn't hear a word. "Don't open the scrolls until the last second. I should be fine by then…" She grabbed her neck and screamed out in agony. She gritted her teeth as she struggled to stay in control. Sasuke saw the mark on her neck. It started to spread throughout her body and glow bright as her whimpers grew louder and louder in volume. She was beat up and bleeding. "Who did this to you?" Sasuke said severely concerned for her mental and physical health. He grabbed her hand and she looked up into his eyes. He activated his sharingans with rage. "His name is Orochimaru. And his original target was you but I refused for you to be…" She cried out in pain. "He was targeting me? Why?" She started crying. "I don't know his reasons but probably because of your eyes. But his focus has transferred to me. I managed to injure him and so he told me that he wants my body instead." She coughed out blood. "Naruto, I need some of your seemingly endless chakra. Please lend me some before I pass out. If I lose consciousness without enough chakra. The mark will take over my entire body. I have a idea of how I can fight against it. But I need…" He rested his hand on her shoulder. "Take as much as you need." Her eyes glazed over as she was thrown into his subconscious where the fox resided. She pushed herself up from the wet ground and looked ahead to see the glowing red eyes of the fox. "I've thought about it and I'm willing to give you the yang half of myself. And leave the yin half with Naruto." She walked towards the cage and this time stepped inside. The fox was whole in this universe. So what the goddess said about it being slightly different is true but her being here was changing things too. She held out her hands without any signs of fear. "I'm glad you saw reason to accept my offer, Kurama. Did you get bored of Naruto?" He leaned into view. "Perhaps, who's to say? I'm just curious about you more than him." She rested her hands on his rough fur,"Whatever your reason, I really appreciate the help." She rested her head on his spikey fur and rested her eyes. "I'm counting on you." "Right…" She woke up and was back to reality. She looked down to see her body being consumed by black & pink flames. But it didn't hurt. Her body was slowly healing up back to full.

Sakura exhaled a thick cloud of smoke as she smirked slightly,"Thanks for the help Naruto. It seems like now we are both Jinchuriki hosts." He looked at her confused and shocked. Sasuke looked at her clearly shaken up at the fact that she now had fox traits. And they weren't just made out of chakra like Naruto but completely physical traits. "Kurama gave me his yang half. You have his yin half." "Kurama?" "The fox inside you is actually pretty nice once you get to know him. The yin side is less morally evil than the half I have sealed inside my soul now." She stood up and the fox traits and flames disappeared. "But we can talk about that later. Oh and don't mention this to anyone. I'll speak to Kakashi Sensei about it personally after the exams." She rested her hands on their shoulders and healed them up using her medical Ninjutsu techniques and Kurama's aura.

"I know just what to do to pass the exam. Open both of the scrolls at the same time and then throw them on the ground. We as Chūnin are supposed to be able to solve problems with our heads and bodies. And if we are slacking in one or the other side of things. Then it's our duty to work hard and find a way to make up for our flaws. I fight up close but I need to work on my range combat. Sasuke you relying too much on your sharingan. You need to think things through more without using your special eyes. Naruto, you are too reliant on your shadow clones. You need to work on your own physical strength. We have things to work and improve on but if we keep training together. I believe we can bridge the gap between of our flaws by assisting each other. We are one. We are together until death do us part. Right?" She held out her hands. They both gave her a low five and then they gave her a fist bump. 

(On Hold) Reincarnated As Sakura Haruno Vol 3 (Hokage Route)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα