Volume 1 Chapter 7: Forest of Death!

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Naruto and Sasuke looked at her surprised as she walked up to the front of the classroom. She held out her test to the proctor of the exam. He stared at her sternly but didn't get a negative reaction from her at all.

He grabbed her paper only to see it wasn't her test but a letter? 'I've finished my test and I can't wait to answer your tenth question. But I have a question, well more like a request. I want you to teach me how to do what you do on your enemies. If I become a Chūnin, will you become my temporary master and teach me how to pry out information from the enemy? Either mentally or physically. As well as to become strong enough to resist being tortured for information if or when captured. I know it's a huge deal what I'm asking but there's no need to answer just yet. Wait to give me your answer until after the exams are over.' Sakura watched as he read the last part. 'I'm aiming for the top. The highest peak of the mountain. I'm going to become the Hokage no matter what I have to endure. I'll experience any kind of Pain, torture, or agonizing training to become the next leader of this great village. Do your worst to me and I'll get back up. Because being a Ninja isn't just a job or pastime but my entire reason of living.' He held out the piece of paper folded once more. "Nicely done, runt. You actually got all of the answers right. Including the 10th one, but it was just a lucky guess." His eyes narrowed on her as she received her piece of paper. "She's definitely not like the rest of these brats. Her request is quite bold but the last paragraph near the bottom is very troublesome. I'll just have to observe her actions from now until the exams are over to see if she has what it takes to be my student."

After most of the ninja students either were thrown out for being caught cheating or gave up this year. The remaining ninja were told they passed by making a extremely hard decision. Naruto and Sasuke put their faith in Sakura and each other and chose to stay. Ibiki Morino congratulated them only to be interrupted by Anko Mitarashi. But he told she was early again and she blushed embarrassed.

Everyone left the classroom except for team 7 to go to the next location. Sakura stared at Ibiki Morino seriously. "I forgot to tell you my name. It's Sakura Haruno, be sure to remember it. Well then, have a nice afternoon. Let's go guys, I've said what I needed to say." Ibiki watched as they left in silence. He was curious about how she was going to fare in the next test.

They all arrive and Anko Mitarashi tells them of the dangers of their next task in the 44th training ground aka the Forest of Death. But Naruto ends up mocking her and acting tough like usual. She threw her kuna at him but instead of his cheek being cut like in the anime. Sakura caught the blade with her teeth. She spit it out on the ground and glared daggers at the proctor. "He may be cocky but he's no coward. My teammates aren't like most Genin here. We are the proud students of Kakashi Sensei. And a little pain won't kill us. It'll make us stronger." Anko Mitarashi looked at her with intrigue. "Very well then, let's see if you have what it takes pink hair."

Sakura grabbed Naruto and Sasuke's arms and pulled them to the side after they received their instructions of the test. "Do you remember what password I told you to tell each other if we get separated?" They both nodded their heads and pointed at Naruto. "His favorite food." "My favorite food." "Good." She could feel the eyes of a certain snake fellow stalking her from the shadows. "I will not allow you to get near Sasuke or Naruto. You hear me, Orochimaru!" She yelled out to herself and then heard one of the Jōnin announced they were ready to give out of the scrolls.

A few minutes into the test Sakura and Sasuke were staring down the embodiment of death. Orochimaru has shown himself in the form of a foreign Genin Ninja. Sasuke fell to his knees and threw up as his mind was broken. But Sakura stayed standing but just barely. She bit her tongue and focused on the pain to stay standing. "I refuse to be stepped on and played with!" Her head raised and she stared her enemy down without any hesitation. "I refuse to die before I become the Hokage!" She walked towards the snake ninja without any paralysis? Sasuke was frozen in fear and couldn't even speak. "Zod get Sasuke out of here and go find Naruto. They are safer far away from him and me." She waited until Sasuke was taken to safety. She cracked her knuckles smirking deviously. "Now that my friend is safe and while we are alone. I guess I should drop the act of ignorance. Orochimaru, I'm not going to allow you to take the lives of anyone here in this village." The Ninja licked their lips as they grinned unnaturally wide. "You saw through my assistant and my disguise? Just who are you, little girl?" She cracked her neck on both sides. "The name's Sakura Haruno and I'm going to be the Hokage." She started to walk towards him but now with two Kunai in hand. "I'm full of mystery but so are you. So I guess both of us have things we keep hidden close to our chests." He laughed at her words. "Indeed." He did hand signs and summoned a Shinigami snake. But him standing on it's head and looming over her didn't strike fear in her heart as he thought it would. She threw her Kunai at his snake but then they multiplied into the hundreds. His eyes went wide at her calm composure and strong technique. His snake was slain so easily by a weak looking pink haired girl. But he wasn't mad at this situation but amused and disturbingly pleased. He licked his lips once more as he just had to test her strength with his one hands.

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