Ice Mirror

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   " This world's Spider-Man is a pain in the ass, for real, he isn't cool like Brown, and he is even more annoying than Stacy! I hope we never meet again, but considering this whole new thing, I will probably see him around... And I shouldn't have gone so far away from home during patrol.
   Teleportation consumes too much energy and I don't have a mirror, now I have to come back by subway and it's way too hot! I hope I arrive home before 6 pm or Gus will be sad. "
   I sigh and close my sketchbook while putting it back in my ecobag, I hope the stress doesn't take over my body... This song is really good, " Disorder "... Joy Division knew what they're doing when they wrote this. And also, this mp3 player was really a great find. I can isolate the external sound and be in my peaceful shell after playing the masked freak.
   I look around the subway and see two other side of the wagon: Kwan and that scared guy! They're talking to each other, smiling. Those two look cute together.
   Now I notice that Xina is quite muscular, she was wearing big baggy clothes the last time we met, so I couldn't see. If she trained, she could protect herself better...
   I pause the music, take the headphones out of my ears, get out of my seat, and stand, Xina notices me. She smiles and comes closer, and the guy follows her as she says:
   - Selene..! How have you been?
   - Great - I respond with a smile - and you?
   - Well - she says. Next, it's just an awkward silence.
   - And what happened after that night? - I ask, trying to break the silence.
   - That creep got arrested - she answers - I've been feeling better after therapy... Although I prefer not talking about that...
   - It's fine... - I respond - anything else..?
   - ... And Gabbe managed to crash my car and his car... - she looks at him with narrow eyes.
   - Hey! - the guy next to her opposed with wide eyes - it was an accident..!
   - And you were able to do it twice... - I mumble sarcastically, Kwan and me giggle while the guy looks down upset.
   - You have the luck that Alchemax gives me great car insurance - she says with a small smile, he smiles back softly. That's cute. They are like black cat and golden retriever.
   - And you are..? - I look to the guy next to her.
   - Gabriel O'Hara, but you can call me Gabbe - he responds with a smile, extending his hand, I shake his hand - so you are the mysterious lady that saved Xina the other day...
   - Yes - I answer - I can't stand those situations...
   - Thankfully - the girl mumbles.
   Then something starts vibrating in Gabbe's pocket. He takes a small dice out of it, and a spectrum appears. Gabbe mumbles:
   - Oh shock... - he touches the spectrum a bit - Miggy... this isn't the best time for you to call me... Why didn't you send me a massage? Would be much easier..!
   - A massage wouldn't be enough! You don't even read them - a husky and worried voice comes out of the spectrum... It's the same from that day with the donut brain... I look at Kwan, she seems to be uncomfortable, her eyes and head are low - where are you?
   - On the subway, almost Queens... why? - Gabriel answers.
   - You have to get out of there, quickly - the voice says - just do it.
   - Ok... - O'Hara says as the spectrum disappears, he looks at Kwan - you heard him...
   - Seems I don't have many options... - she mumbles.
   The aura is heavier now, like someone just died. I don't know who this " Miggy " guy is, but he did something to Kwan. I read both her mind and Gabriel's:
   - Why do I still like him..? I wish I could just move on... - she thinks.
  - Bro, Miggy knows that Xina moved to my house, she's pretty close to me almost all the time and is trying to move on with things, and he just keeps doing this. Does he not have the slightest consideration for Xina? Dios... - he thinks.
   As the train stops on the station, they both walk out of the train, and I follow them. Then I feel that weird sensation again...
   - Selene, are you ok? - Xina questions while looking at me.
   - Can we... walk out of here..? - I ask, they both nod.
   We three walk out of the station, but that sensation isn't gone. Something bad is about to happen... Shit...
   I look to the front of the station, there's news from the " The Daily Bugle " where it says that there's something attacking the city... I don't even read what it is, I just run to some random establishment, try to find a restroom, and lock myself in it. I change my civilian clothes to my hero clothes and teleport myself to outside of the building I was. I can't teleport much now, or I'll pass out...
   I look around and see that annoying Spider-Man guy swinging with webs. Now he's actually doing something..! Then I see, far away something is coming, I can't tell what it is, but it is big. That little spidey fucker must know something...
   I follow him, swinging with chains. I scream:
   - Hey! Spidey!
   - What?! - he shouts while looking behind to me with wide, he lands on the top of a light pole and starts talking with an ashole voice - Well, well, well, look at who we have here, the so called " hero "-
   - Don't even dare to finish that sentence - I interrupt pissed - I just want to know what's coming to attack the people.
   - It's like a enormous blue-ice iguana - he explains - but I don't have much time, and you're just wasting it...
   He leaves me here... I hate that guy... Focus, Selene, we have people to save.
   I look back and see the thing that's attacking the people: It's a gigant chinese dragon (I think) that splits ice though its mouth (the air is really cold and dry right now). It's coming to the direction of the station..!
   I turn some blood into a gun and start shooting on the dragon's head, but the bullets don't seem to make any damage..! The shiny scales are intact. It stops splitting ice and moves its head towards me... It doesn't seem very friendly, and it's about to attack.
   Then that spider guy comes from out of nowhere and hits that creature's head hard that it lifts over. It happens too fast! That guy is fast... I jump on the top of the dragon's head and hold onto its horns... I have an idea...
   I turn some blood into chains and warp them around the dragon's mouth, holding them tight. Then the thing starts moving around fast, trying to get rid of me and that guy. I try to control the dragon with the chains like a horse, avoiding it to hurt someone.
   - What the shock are you doing?! - Spider-Man shouts, holding onto its back furr-feathers thing.
   - Riding a dragon, or do you want me to draw for you? - I shout back sarcastically.
   - I'm sure that your mediocre drawing habilites aren't that useful at the moment! - he shouts smuggling, I roll my eyes annoyed. I'm starting not liking him that much.
   I try to make the creature dodge from people and other things, until it starts climbing a tall building and hitting its head on many mirrored windows in a attempt to get rid of me and that annoying guy.
   - Oh great, now it's trying to kill itself - the spider guy mumbles sarcastically. He definitely has some serious problems.
   Then the creature stops at a certain floor and starts hitting its head onto the window hard, so hard that it breaks and we three are thrown to the inside. Me and Spidey are thrown forward, hitting onto some office tables. Shit, this is getting complicated.
   I hide behind one of those tables and start looking for something that could help in the drawer. I find a make-up mirror and some atenalol... I have an idea...
   I look what's happening beyond the desk and see the spider guy fighting the dragon, trying to scratch the creature as it splits ice. Is he dumb? And the chains broke. Damn, I thought it was way more resistant. I do the finger gun sing with my hand and point it to the dragon's head, but I can't aim becuse it doesn't stop moving, plus the spider guy is too close, and there's the risk of hurting him accidentally.
   - Stop moving, you two little fuckers! - I shout.
   - It's not as easy as it looks! - he shouts back sarcastically.
   - Just get out of my way! - I shout pissed.
   Then the creature pins him on the ground with one of its pawns, so I aim on its head and focus all my energy on the fingertip. BANG. The dragon stops moving and falls on the ground in pain, groaning and rolling over. I just feel an enormous headache, like my brain is about to explode and everything seems turvy and heavy, like I was on a boat, like I was coocked spaghetti.
   I open a portal in the mirror and throw it on the creature, which gets sucked into the mirror like water in a drain, disappearing. One thing less to be worried about.
   I crawl back to the drawer, get the atenalol, and take one of the pills, I lift the lower part of my mask to the side a bit glup the pill dry, it scratches down my throat, I hope it reliefs the pain soon, I'm not in the best conditions right now. I lean on the table, trying not to lose balance. Now everything seems too bright, it's hurting my eyes.
   - Damn... - I mumble.
   I walk weakly and bow down to get the mirror in my hands, I cloclose the portal and stare at it for a while. I couldn't find any clues for this mystery... I'm so fucking incompetent...
   - How did you do this..? - Spider-Man asks curious as he comes closer, looking to the mirror.
   - Magic... - I whisper. I teleport myself a few times until I'm back to that restroom I was before.
   I start feeling much more dizzy than before, I shouldn't have teleport back, the portal on the mirror already consumed much energy, plus the high blood pressure don't help me much. Everything starts to spin like a disco, I close my eyes for a second and only see completely dark void.

Blood Halo: Comic!Miguel O'Hara x OC ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now