Family Reunion

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I barely sleep a wink the entire night and get up in the middle of the night in order to get some water. I find my water and turn around to find Anax snacking on some weird looking food.

He laughs at my face, "What?" "What is that?" I ask him as I stare at the weird food in disgust. "It looks disgusting but it tastes really good," he says kindly, "just taste it." I look at the gooey, slimey, rainbow-colored and chunky looking dish which causes me to gag, "I don't think I can do it with my eyes open." "Then close your eyes and try it," he says kindly and I do but it really feels weird. I shake my head and then I taste a chocolatey flavor with nuts and mixed with an ingredient I have never tasted.

"So?" he asks and I smile. "That tastes better than it looks," I say seriously, "what is in it?" "Mostly flowers," he says honestly and I nod. "I should head to bed," I say kindly and he nods as I make my way to bed.

The very next day, I head downstairs for breakfast with the rest of the very big family and I sit beside Anax as well as Amoli.

Baby Athena is in my arms because Brody had to go back to the army, so poor Amoli is dealing with everything all by herself and I try to help out still in the family as much as I can.

After she eats, I hand over Athena to her and eat my own food. Then, Emery and Edolie are with the nanny most of the time.

Once the kids leave, all the older kids start getting ready to head to work leaving Tyler, Heidi and I at home with the mothers as well as the littles.

I end up sitting with Heidi and Tyler for lunch as we sit on the floor in the living room, My back is to the chair while everyone else is doing the same.

"I missed you Athena," she says kindly and I hug her. Tyler sighs, "Why are you so okay with everything?" "Because there is nothing we can do and it is better to just deal with it as need be," I say kindly, "I know this is more about Leto than your situation." He nods, "I miss her and I didn't use the opportunities I had to care for her." "Don't....," I start to say, but I am interrupted. "Athena," Anax says abruptly and he doesn't seem happy so I make my way over quickly and his eyes seem very different, "you need to spend more time around the mothers because they will help train you for your future role. I will try to help when I am free, but today is not that day so I asked them to assist you." I nod and then ask, "Is everything okay? You seem upset." He shakes his head, "Just becareful around Tyler. Human children can be given back once a human marries, but under the care of the Kerogen in the relationship and I am afraid of what he might do when that opportunity arises because my sister will take it just to make him happy. Tyler seems more dangerous than they tagged him." I nod, "So? Do you want me to avoid him or something?" He shakes his head, "No, just be very careful because something is off."

He walks away to do whatever he needs to do and I make my way to the mothers as he called them.

I walk in to find the mothers with their kids again.

"Bee," one of the mothers calls out and the nanny comes running in, "take the little ones." She does just that and I catch her orange tag as she takes the children with her.

Eden sighs deeply, "My son has chosen you and he can choose others but has decided not to because of this then you need to be the mother of all. Unlike now, you see, there are five mothers of all and we share these heirs to the throne as well as the responsibilities. Sons are the key to everything. No girl has ever taken the throne because of the complex structural issues." "So, what about Norah?" I ask curiously and Basilah tenses.

"It has been investigated," Eden says before anyone can speak. Basilah sighs, "People cannot keep up with the reality of life. She does not have to have a husband who marries more than one woman. It can be a requirement. She is next in line and so are any children born from her."

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