Saving Baruch

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As I rush on horseback with Anax as well as Norah, my thoughts play over her words.


We arrive home in a panic and Norah follows hurriedly as we enter the home to find it in a state. Items are thrown about and things are flying everywhere. Papers lie in their place until someone walks past as it flies away.

"Everyone said I shouldn't tell you," Norah says seriously, "I had to. I know something is up." Eden comes down the stairs in a hurry and then notices me which causes her to glare at Norah as tears start to fall from her eyes. She comes down the stairs faster and embraces me, "I'm sorry." My tears start falling and my legs give out as we both end up on the floor crying while hugging each other tightly.

James comes into the room with pain in his eyes then he catches sight of us on the floor and Anax rushes over to his father as they enter his study.

That day, I spend it in my room as I bite my nails through. I hear knocking and my trance breaks as the person comes into the room.

"Athena," I hear Heidi say as I look at her then I just break down as she rushes over to hug me tightly. Anax walks into the room to find Heidi and I. "Can you give us a moment Heidi?" Anax asks but more of commands as she leaves me. "Why did we have to leave?" I ask him with pain in my heart and eyes, "we saved other people and yet we are destroyed." He hugs me as tears fill his eyes as well, "We will find him."

Later on, we fall asleep in our sadness then someone walks in and wakes us up.

"Sorry," James says with pain in his eyes, "we know who it is, more or less. The same person who tried to abort Baruch in the first place." "And?" Anax and I ask hopefully. "They," James says nervously, "claim to be your grandparents." I tense at those words as I get up quickly, "Where are they?" "Waiting for you in the study," James says seriously, "with Baruch." I confidently walk down those stairs with Anax following behind me as I enter the room that feeling of dread fills me again, but all emotion is destroyed as it could be visible.

"Athena," they say happily, "the killer of my son." I tense at those words, "I was seven." "So you don't deny it," my grandmother says seriously. My grandfather looks at me with hate, "A son for a son." Anax is showing hate, anger, pain, sadness, fear. I turn around and push him out the door with all my might then lock it.

"What do you want?" I ask seriously. "My son back," my grandmother says seriously as she holds Baruch in her arms, "can you give me that?" I shake my head, "I was seven. It wasn't my fault that they died, but I am sorry that they died. What did I do that makes you hate me so much?" "You and your sister were fighting as usual," my grandfather says seriously, "I was on the phone as you guys crashed because your father was trying to stop you guys from arguing. You guys killed him and my daughter-in-law. You guys didn't deserve them." Tears fill my eyes as I see their pain and I say, "I'm sorry. I truly am."

They sob as they hand Baruch back to me and I exit the room with him in my arms as they break because they are taken into custody to be killed for their crimes.

Once I find Anax, I hand Baruch to him as I lock myself in my room to just break down.

At seven, I killed my parents over a stupid bear that was lost in the accident. It haunted Heidi and I for years, so we never spoke ever again after that. My grandparents took us in and abused us beyond words until we were transferred to foster care due to abuse rumours.

At dinner time, I make my way downstairs and pretend to be perfectly fine as I hold Baruch in my arms.

I find a baby in Tyler's arms as Leto sits in the middle of him and Alisha.

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