-" Shark in the Water "- ☁️

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LemonShark!Soap x Ghost
Does Soap live in the Florida mangroves but still have a Scottish accent? Yes, yes he does.

Ghost PoV:
I fucking hate Florida. It's too hot, too humid and it rains more than fucking London. Price thought of the wonderful idea for annual leave, 'OOoo let's go down to the Florida Keys! I heard they're great in the summer!' Psh...

Let's get one thing straight, I didn't choose this, I was told by a superior officer to go with him and the rest of my team to that hell hole. It was a grueling flight from London and a pain in the ass car ride from the Miami airport down to the Florida Keys.

Once we finally make it to our air bnb, I take a deep sigh of relief and grabbed my few bags to drag inside. The steps up to the door are creaky and covered in sand, but at least the bright pink hibiscus bushes smell good.

I let Price unlock the door and quickly claim a room down a hall, setting my stuff on the bed. I instantly turn on my air conditioner and check for cameras, shining around my phone light to look for any tiny reflection. No, I'm not paranoid, why do you ask?

Once I deem the place clear I take off my sweat soaked mask and throw it into my already set up laundry bin. God, that thing was already starting to smell like shite. , I should switch to something thinner if I'm going to be spending a few weeks in Satan's fuckin' arse.

I prick on my arm brings my attention my limb and there is a goddamn mosquito on me. Inside my fucking room. I quickly squish the devil and rub my growing itch. This is going to be hell.

~•~•~•~•~•~(Few day time skip)~•~•~•~•~•~•

Alright, day five of our 'vacation'. Price and Gaz decide to go deep fishing, and I definitely don't want to be out on the waves all day, I would much rather be under them.

Being in SAS requires lots of training, some of that training being diving, so I know my fair share about being beneath the surface. The mangrove swamps here in the keys may be a bit dangerous because of crocodiles, but hey, I have the chance of seeing sharks.

So, I get up bright and early, grab my much thinner mask and swim suit. I slide on my black long sleeve surf top and black trunks before calling a cab to take me to the edge of the mangroves so I can dive.

Boat rental took a tad bit too long but hey, I'm in a surprisingly good mood today, so what of it? Just a small dingy gets me out into a secluded area of the groves, exactly where I want to be.

3rd Person PoV:
Ghost anchors his boat and throws his legs over the side and lets them dangle in the cool water. The blond knows that he's in a secluded enough area, so nobody will see his face when he pulls off his mask to swap it out for some window goggles.

Once the goggles suction on, Ghost takes a deep breath and slides his lower half into the shallow water. He gazes around at the spindly trees and waist deep water to notice that the sand slowly drops as he moves on. He shuffles through the soft sand, making sure not to step on any stingrays.

The Brit probably should've brought flippers but he's a fast enough swimmer so it doesn't really matter, right? The water cools his once sweating skin as he wades all the way until small waves are rippling against his pecs. Ghost takes a deep, controlled breath before sinking under the surface.

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