Chapter 14 - Cuddling

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Danielle's POV
It's been a few days since i found out Riki was beaten up. He was found like half an hour after he passed out. I've been attending him in his dorm. I don't know who would do such a thing.

Riki's the biggest sweetheart, he couldn't hurt a fly. I stare at him as he is laying on his bed. He's asleep but I'm just here if he needs anything.

I hear a ping from my phone. I picked it up and turned it on. Haerin texted me. She asked if I'm going back to the dorm tonight. I replied no.

I hadn't talked to her much since that day I saw her with bruises. It's a coincidence that Riki was found beaten up on the same day as her bruises. I sighed, my mind is spiraling everywhere.

Jake, Riki's roommate opened the door. He smiled and walked in quietly. I smiled back.

"Hi there Danielle, I can take care of Riki. You should get back to your dorm. It's late." He said examining Riki's bruises throughout his face to his arm.

"Well if you say so, I guess. Please take care of him well, Jake" I politely said and waved goodbye. I opened the door and left.

It's already very quiet in the dorms. There are so many students but at this time they're all sleeping. I walk while looking behind and in front of me.

I get pretty paranoid at night. I could probably feel better if Haerin was here, holding my hand. Wait no, Riki is my boyfriend. He should hold it.

I reach my dorm and knock on the door. She's probably not expecting me to come back. I heard the sounds of unlocking and Haerin opened the door.

"Oh you're back? Thought you wouldn't be coming." She said quite coldly? I don't know. I walked inside but I somehow slipped. She moved quickly to catch me and I ended up landing on top of her. The warmth of our bodies electrifying me.

"Thank you Haerin." I blushed as I got up. I could feel the redness on my face and I didn't like it. She looked everywhere but in my eyes. Well, it's not very foreign to me.

I walked and I opened the door to my bedroom. I took one last glance and saw that Haerin was smiling. I kind of smiled too. She's adorable.

I jumped onto my bed and took my phone out of my back pocket. I scrolled on TikTok since it was a late night. Why does everytime I think about her does it make me blush?

Might as well head to sleep. School starts tomorrow. I lay down on my back and stop thinking about anything. I drift off to bed.

Haerin's POV
I'm just sitting down and studying at fucking 1 AM in the morning. Ugh, did Dani do that to me on purpose? She's driving me insane.

I just need a glass of water and I'll fall asleep. That should be very very easy right? Hopefully.

I walk outside and look around. The lights are off and it's loudly quiet. It's so quiet that I hear ringing in my ears. I sigh, I hate darkness.

I turn on the switch and grab myself a glass. I pour some water into it and drank it quickly. It's super eerie in here. I close the fridge and turn around to see Danielle? I jumped and broke my glass.

"Oh Haerin, are you hurt? Sorry for scaring you." She smiled and picked up the shards of glass all over the floor. I crouch to help pick it up.

"It's fine, what are you doing here?" I ask not making eye contact. I hate making eye contact with her. It makes my heart tingle too much.

"Glass of water. Looking at you, you were probably here for the same thing." She threw the shards into a nearby trash can.

"Why aren't you sleeping though?" I ask her, concerned. She smiled.

"I just woke up, don't know why." She said tiredly. I stare at her. She seemed to red up and look away. Why is she so damn cute?

"Well, I'm going to go. If you want more cuddling, I'm happy to." I smiled and opened the door to my room.

"Uhh Haerin, wait!" She grabbed my hand and looked at me with puppy dog eyes. I couldn't hold back my smile as I saw them.

"You want me to cuddle, don't you?" I smirked, she smiled purely and nodded.

"I've missed the cuddling a lot." She giggled. I made a gesture for her to go inside while I turned off the lights. I took one last look around and shut the door.

Danielle was already in bed. She looked unbelievably adorable in her pink pajamas. I hopped in and spread the blanket out for both of us. She laid her head on my chest, I loved her beautiful face. She's always pretty.

I turned off the little lamp and slowly drifted to sleep.

A/N: school starting will make everything so much more interesting, just so you wait. Btw sorry for short chapter. Pretty busy

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