Chapter 17 - Friends?

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Minji's POV
Three laps, are you fucking joking me? I didn't even do anything wrong, it's just that loser kept pestering me. I wasn't gonna do anything to him until he started being a dumb shithead.

I have to run three laps with a fucking loser and someone who I have a weird situation with. This is stupid as hell. Hanni is talking to the principal.

"Ok uhm, goodbye Mr. Namjoon." Hanni bowed to him. He gave a slight nod while typing. Heeseung bowed quickly after. I bowed right after him.

We all left the room one by one. Hanni sighed and looked ahead. Heeseung was tapping his foot on the floor. It echoed through the hallway.

"So hanni, what are we supposed to do now?" Heeseung asked with that weird quirky face of his. I was close to beating him up.

"Guys, get a move on. I just want to get this over with and get to class." Hanni said, likely very annoyed. Heeseung started walking so I just followed him. This is so fucking frustrating.

Hanni ran to walk beside me. She took a quick glance at me.

"Starting this in the middle of the morning? You are something, Kim Minji." She said to me in a light scolding type of way.

"Well, that dumb fuck started it. Want attention so much do you? Lee Heeseung."  I started directing my words at him. Hanni rolled her eyes and he just laughed.

"Hey what are you talking to me for? I thought my voice annoyed you so much." He just lightly laughed more. I thought my eyes were going to get stuck because of how much I wanted to roll them.

"Don't even try to argue with each other. This is going onto your school profile. Atleast try and get alone with eachother." Hanni started moving into the conversation. Heeseung just made a loud laugh noise and went back to smiling. He was walking a lot faster than us.

We were about to reach the door to the outside, where we will be conducting the three lap run. As we were about a step away from the door, I quickly hit Heeseung on the back of his head.

"Bet you can't catch up to me, fucking idiot." I laughed and started running. The idiot kept rubbing his head.

"You should be glad you're a girl Kim Minji. If you were a guy, you'd be so dead." Heeseung smiled widely and ran after me. Hanni was visibly trying to hide a smile. She looked amazing today.

"Make sure to do three laps, I will be waiting to count your steps. If you cheat, I will know." Hanni yelled enough for us  to hear. God I love that girl. Wait no, I don't. Why did I say that? Fuck this.

I sped up my pace and made sure Heeseung couldn't catch up. We had half the school left to run around to officially run a lap.

Heeseung caught up to me so fast, he sped past me like a bullet. He shocked me with just that.

"How's that for a fucking idiot, KMJ?" He laughed and said my initials which was really weird. I sped up my pace again to run beside him.

We both reached Hanni and stopped in sync. She smiled and giggled a bit. She's so pretty. Sometimes I just want to make out with her.

"Good job on your first lap, two more to go and we'll be back in class." She said loudly. Heeseung moved to be in a stance that made him look ready to run. He then sprinted off like a deer.

Catching up to him shouldn't be hard. I ran to catch up to him. It was kind of fun. Well, I'll just finish these laps, shouldn't be very long.


Finally, we finished the lap. Heeseung was panting and Hanni was sitting down, laughing at him.

"Well, I can't help but want to say you guys did a good job. Let's all just get back to class." Hanni clapped her hands and started walking in. We folllowed.

"Really? Panting like a dog for that bit of running? Guess you used all your energy to be so fast." I laughed and mocked him. His breathing slowed to normal as he looked at me.

"I just lost a bit of stamina, not too hard to regain it back. Just needed a bit of breathing." He replied back but his voice made him sound so lame.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you dumbass loser." I laughed as we reached the classroom. Hanni opened the door to see the others laughing and joking around, sitting in groups.

"Ah welcome back, you three. Well we are doing a group project so just get in a group of three. There's enough of you for a group." The teacher said and pointed to three empty seats. I assumed she left it for us.

Heeseung was the first to go and sit down. He relaxed his body and sighed. I walked up to the table and just stared at him.

"What are you waiting for? Come and sit down, my friend." He said obnoxiously. There are so many reasons for me to hate him.

"Friend? What the fuck are you even talking about?" I pulled out the chair and sat down. Hanni followed after chatting with the teacher.

"Well, I mean I thought we kinda got along after the three laps so, friends?" Heeseung smiled and put out his hand for me to shake.

"You are adorable since you look like a little idiot, but hell no. Too weird." I replied to him and he pouted. That is fucking disgusting. Hanni snuck a smirk.

"Let's just finish the project guys, I'm too hungry for this shit." Hanni pulled out the supplies for the project. Heeseung and I sighed at the same time. He giggled like the dumbass he is.

This is going to take way too long, fuck.

A/N: I'm back but not for long.

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