Chapter 18 - Annoying

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Haerin's POV
Fuck, school starts yet again. It's like god wants me to get tortured. I just hope I have a peaceful day with my friends and not get killed by a certain Kim minji.

I guess I just need to get up and do shit. I got up from dani's bed, walked to my room and instantly went into the shower. I honestly just did random stuff in the shower. I woke up at like 5:30 so I got some time to chill.

I just got two cups that I use for brushing teeth and I put water in them. I took some random shit and put it in. I made myself a preppy little potion. I poured it all out though. It was sad to see the pink liquid disappear.

I got my towel and dried myself. I am so goddamn bored and Dani isn't awake yet.

I put on some nice casual clothes, it's the first day of school after a break. What time is it even? I checked the clock and it was already 6:00. Dani doesn't really shower long so I just took a minute or two to wake her up.

I walked to her room and knocked on the door in case she was awake. She wasn't, so I flung the door open. For some odd reason, she still wasn't awake.

I tiptoed to her bed and sat next to her. I'm not a creep or anything but she's so beautiful. No matter what she did, she was always beautiful. I smiled a bit.

"Dani, wake up. It's time for school!" I said loudly to wake her up and it did the job. She jolted awake and hit me in the face in the process.

"Oh my god Haerin, I'm so sorry." She laughed as soon as she saw my red face. I swallowed up a laugh and i gestured to her bathroom. I meant that for her to shower in case anyones wondering.

"Go shower Dani, I'll wait for you in the car." I said and opened the door.

"Haerin! Uh, I'm supposed to go with Jake. He's driving me and Riki to school." She said just before I left. Great, she's with that homophobic bastard again.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'll be seeing you at school." I left before she got to say anything. Fuck, I hate that Riki bitch. All he did was swoop her in so god damn suddenly. Hope no one knows I'm the one that beat him the fuck up.

I walked for a bit and got into my car. I started the engine and just drove. It took only 5 minutes to get there. Obviously the school dorms are close to the school.

I parked the car and waltzed into the school. I sat down on a nearby bench and got my phone. It was like 6:15, I arrived to the school way early.

The gates open at 6:00 though, it's not like I'm wrong. I scrolled on TikTok for fun, favorited some cute edits. I saw a lot of students pass by. Kind of amusing to watch some of them slip. Never let them know I thought it was amusing though.

Finally, my time was over. I saw Minji with her arm around hanni's shoulder. I scoffed and went back to scrolling. They seemed to be talking near the lockers and Hanni walked away.

I just know the stuff the other kids said was foul. Some stupid nerd went and probably asked Minji out. She broke his glasses, I know enough about how he feels.

I lowered my head trying to not let Minji see me. It's 6:40 in the morning and I am not trying to get myself killed.

Apparently lowering my head made a different reaction. Now she's walking towards me, what the fuck. She sat down next to me and smiled.

"Hey there rin, long time no see." She laughed and her goons did the same. Seriously, her goons are such fucking losers.

"What you mean 'rin'? Y'all got nicknames?" Chaewon walked up to me and patted my back super hard. Gaeul stood crossing her arms. They've got me extremely cornered now.

"Can you please leave me alone?" I asked them lowly, not in a rude way or anything but they didn't take it lightly. Minji slapped me across the face, I knew damn well that that wouldn't end well.

"Yah yah, you think you're strong now? Don't you know to shut your mouth and listen to the leaders?" Gaeul said and cupped my face aggressively. She then pushed my head into the wall, my head really hurts. A lot of people were looking at us now, yet none of them bothered to help me. Thanks so much lovely schoolmates.

Fortunately for me, my best friend and Heeseung arrived. They seemed to be engrossed in conversation until they saw me. Sunghoon ran and pushed Gaeul away.

"Seriously, what is up with you and Haerin? You just can't seem to get enough of her."  He said and smirked, he usually does that when he's mad but he's a fucking wuss. The real dude was Heeseung. Sunghoon may have mouth power but he's really off with his physical game.

"Shut up ugly white boy, we're fucking busy." Minji stood up and wrapped her arm around gaeul's shoulder.  Heeseung pushed Sunghoon away and came forward.

"Look, Kim Minji. You keep messing with my friend and it's not damn cool okay? Just leave us alone, you'll be fine without drawing blood for one god damn day." He said and made his hands into a fist.  Minji furrowed her eyebrows and laughed with her goons.

"You wouldn't hit a girl, right lee? I'm just a wee little girl." She mocked him and made a crying face. Heeseung scoffed.

"I wouldn't hit a girl, but I would if you made me." Heeseung answered back and walked closer to her.

This is gonna be entertaining.

A/N: hi. if u want update, pls motivate me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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