'You are mine' 🔞

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                                              "Y.N Pov"

After Taehyung left, I sat on my desk with head down and I felt that this pain was not bothering me at all so I left the desk or went to the washroom and took out this device.

I know that Taehyung will take some action on this action of mine, but what should I do, I don't want to suffer so much pain.

"Lunch time in cafetaria"

Heiry: Will you guys please bring food for me too, I am feeling very lazy today. 

Y/N; Don't do too much drama, get up early and come and have food with us.

Eun-Woo: It doesn't matter if she doesn't want to go, we will bring food for her. Anyway, she is having more pain in his ass these days. (he said while laughing) & heiry pout like a baby

Y/N: FIne, lets Go!

Me and Eun-woo started preparing Ramen and it took about 5 minutes to get ready, so we both took one fruit and started talking while drinking.

Yes, both of us were drinking from the same pipe because I don't mind eating or drinking from my friends.

"Author Pov"

Here Y/N and Eun-woo were engrossed in talking and on the other side, Taehyung also came to the cafeteria to have a drink, then Taehyung looks at y/n and what he sees makes his blood boil.

Taehyung: What does this girl think of herself? Even after going through so much, she is still drinking fruity from the same pipe with this boy. Oh God, I will kill her today.

College ends and Y/N also leaves for home but she didn't know that there was someone waiting for her.

You enter the password and walked inside the house, andTaehyung was sitting on the couch, drinking a alcohole.

You enter the password and walked inside the house, andTaehyung was sitting on the couch, drinking a alcohole

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You ignores Taehyung and starts walking towards her room but suddenly Taehyung calls out to her.

Taehyung: Come here and stand in front of me i wanna talk !!( he says while sipping his Drink)

You felt like your heart skipped a beat. You could feel him gritting his teeth while speaking, you slowly moved to your trembling legs and stood in front of him , you looking dwon all the time as you scared to look at him,  Because you know that you have removed the device that Taehyung gave you in the morning.

Taehyung: You look really happy today with Your fucking Boy friend !! (he said in his deep dangerous voice sending chills through in your body)

Y/N: Ohh No w-we are t-talking and  it's nothing like you think, (you replied with your trembling voice)

He suddunly stood up making you stumble and he grabbed your wrist and yanked you towards himself making your face bumb his strong chest,

You looking at his eyes which were full of rage and Taehyung looking at your eyes were full of fear.

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