Chapter 5

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I was shelving books in the library one day, it was quiet, most people there were just studying. It was peaceful. I placed another book on the shelf and heard a rustling noise behind me. I turned around quickly and spotted the hooded mystery library-trasher. They spotted me and threw their hood away from their face revealing their brunette hair and blue eyes. He grinned at me mischievously as he threw paper across the room. 

"Hey!" I said, going over to him, startled, "What are you doing?"

The guy chuckled, and the sound set my anxiety on high alert. 

"Oh, darn it, you caught me." he says, laughing, "I was being so quiet too."

He then slammed a pile of books onto the table and then pushed them onto the floor, making as much noise as possible. I took a deep breath and picked up a book that had landed at my feet. 

"This isn't a game!" I said angrily, putting the book back on the shelf, "I've been cleaning up after you for a week! Why are you doing this?"

He smirked, unfazed by my frustration. 

"Come on, lighten up..." he said, relaxed, while squinting to read my name tag, "...Katie. It's just a bit of fun. You're too uptight."

I narrowed my eyes at him. 

"Fun?" I asked, irritated, "This is not fun for me. I have a job to do, and you've been making it impossible!"

He leant against the bookshelf, his smirk not leaving his face. 

"Well, maybe you need a break from all this uptightness," he says, teasing, "Loosen up a bit."

I couldn't find any humor in this situation. He was genuinely making my day horrible. He looked at my unhappy expression and mocked me. 

"Name's Aiden." he said.

"Okay then, Aiden." I said, angry, "What's your problem?"

A cocky grin spread across his face, as if he enjoyed the havoc he was wreaking upon my day. 

"Problem?" he asked, teasing, "I am just adding some excitement to this dull place!"

He chuckled, looking around the room as if he was pleased with himself. I went to put more of his mess away but he stopped me. 

"Come on, don't be such a buzzkill." he said, playfully, "You obviously needed a break from all this high-end hoity-toity work."

"I don't need your advice." I said, rolling my eyes. 

Aiden just winked at me - unbothered - and walked out, leaving me with his mess. I had to figure out a way to stop him, I was fed up with cleaning up after him. The next day I was on edge, watching the entrance for Aiden. Eventually he sauntered in with his usual mischievous intentions and glint in his eyes. 

"Aiden, not today." I said, firmly, "I can't handle another mess."

"Come on, Katie, just a little fun." he said, smirking. 

I crossed my arms, I was not going to let him mess the place up under my watch again. 

"No more 'fun'. This is supposed to be a clean and quiet place, and I won't let you disrupt it anymore." I said. 

And much to my surprise, he shrugged. 

"Alright, alright." he says, turning around and putting his hands in the air, "I'll behave."

I sighed in relief, I had actually gotten through to him somehow. I went back to my duties, satisfied. 

"Hey Katie, watch this!" Aiden yelled at me after a moment of silence. 

I quickly turned around to see him rearranging a stack of books into a domino effect that would spill all over the table. I quickly rushed towards him in an attempt to stop him but I was too late. He flicked the first book over, sending the rest of the books tumbling all over the table, chairs and floor. A loud thumping sound with each one hitting the ground. 

"Oops, my bad." Aiden said, laughing. 

I clenched my fists, the noise was not helping to calm me down. Aiden grinned, watching me and the mess he created. I started picking up the books, and he strolled out of the library as he always does. Whistling One Call Away by Charlie Puth as he went. I had to figure out a way to get him to stop messing with me and the library once and for all. 

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