Chapter 27

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I was walking home with Aiden one day. I was wearing his sweatshirt because it was colder than I had expected when I had left that day. We were walking peacefully when he got a text. He stopped in his tracks when he read it and his eyes widened in panic. I looked at him confused and I could see his face going pale. I stop too and he looks at me, before sighing. 

"I need to make a phone call." he says, dialing a number. 

While we waited for whoever it was to pick up, he glanced at me nervously. 

"Is everything okay?" I tried to ask him, but he motioned for me to shut up. 

He turns away from me and his foot starts tapping nervously. 

"Dad, what's going on?" He asked, sounding nervous. 

I was really hoping it wasn't something to do with his mom again. He nodded as he paced back and forth on the sidewalk. 

"Okay... yeah, I guess so." he sighed loudly, "Dad, please. Anyone but her... Yeah okay. If you can then please."

He sighed again and then hung up the phone. He turned to face me and I asked him again what was happening. 

"Uhm, so my aunt, she's gotten into some trouble. For some reason my dad is the only person that can deal with her." I gasped, and he went back to texting his dad. 

He ran his hand through his hair and then forced a smile. Then, without a word, he continued walking. We got to my house and he hugged me goodbye. Once I was inside I watched him walk down my street to his, and I could see the fake happiness slowly wearing away. And as he was crossing the street he was on the phone again and I thought he was crying. My heart shattered at the sight of it, normally it was me that was upset so it was strange to see him like this. 

Later that night I was trying to think of what I could message him to try and help his situation, but I kept coming up short. Then I saw him start to type too. So I waited for his message. 

Aiden: Hey...

Aiden: I just wanted to give you an update on the situation

Aiden: My dad has to go to Pennsylvania to deal with my aunt

Aiden: My mom is insisting I go live with her while he is away

Aiden: For some reason my dad is on her side

Aiden: Because living with an alcoholic is definitely safer than living by myself for a couple days

Aiden: I have no idea what I'm going to do

I was shocked. 

Me: What the fuck

Me: He can't make you stay with her!

Aiden: He does what he wants

Aiden: I can't argue with him

Aiden: Can we talk about this later?

Aiden: I just wanted to fill you in and now I need time to process

Me: Oh yeah, of course

Me: I'll come check on you in an hour or so

He read the message but didn't respond. I tried to focus on something else, but all I could think about was Aiden. I was worried he was going to do something stupid. So I messaged him again. 

Me: Hey, it's been an hour, are you better?

He doesn't respond again. Another five minutes pass and I'm starting to panic now. 

Me: I need to know you're safe Aiden

Me: Please text me back

Still no response. It was getting late so I just figured that he had gone to sleep to escape from everything. So I tried to relax and go to sleep as well. But around 1am I finally got a text back. 

Aiden: I'm fine, just not going to be around for a while

Aiden: Stay safe

Even though the messages seemed normal, I had a sense he was about to do something really stupid. And I wasn't sure how to prevent it.

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