Chapter 21

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I was chilling in my room one day as I didn't have any classes, and I casually checked my emails. The email I saw in my inbox stressed me out. 

Hello everyone, 

I forgot to mention it in our last class but we will be having a test tomorrow, that's why I gave you all the revision booklets. An electronic version will be attached to this email in case anyone lost or threw out theirs. Best of luck to everyone. 



I picked up all my things and RAN to campus. I got to the library out of breath and slammed my things down on a table. I then shot apologetic looks at the people around me for the loud noise before sitting down. I felt a mixture of panic and determination. My mom's words were echoing through my mind as I started revising. I needed to ace this test to prove her wrong and stay at college. 

"You can do this." I muttered to myself, staring down at the hundreds of notes, "Just focus."

"Another mental breakdown?" Aiden asked, strolling up to me, "What is this? The second one this week?"

I glanced up at him - how the fuck was he there every time I was panicking? - and rolled my eyes. Even though he was my only friend, he sure was really good at testing my patience. 

"Not now, Aiden." I said, "I have a test tomorrow, I NEED to ace it."

"A test?" he asked, smirking, he had obviously forgotten what my mom had said, "You're acting like it's the end of the world."

"It could be, remember?" I said, frustrated, "This is my only chance to prove to my mom that I can stay at college."

The realization washed over his face as he remembered my situation. And much to my surprise, he sat down next to me and took one of my note pages in his hands. 

"Let's do this." he said, "What class is this for?"

"You?" I asked, skeptical, "Help me study?"

"Believe it or not, I'm not just a pretty face. I'm smart too." he said. 

I reluctantly agreed, it would be nice to have some help. And who knows? Maybe he'll surprise me. 

He took the revision sheet and asked me questions, smirking. I answered them easily, rolling my eyes. 

"Okay, you're not as hopeless as I thought." he said, raising an eyebrow at me. 

He continued to test me, the questions a lot harder. He didn't even need the sheet for the answers. The more we studied together, the better I understood the topic. Something about the way he taught me was making it so much easier to remember then it was with the professor. 

He was so much smarter than I ever imagined, and it was a pleasant surprise. We wrapped up our study session and I felt so confident for the test. I knew that after all his help I was going to ace it.

Later that night I messaged Aiden to thank him again. 

Me: Hey, Aiden, just wanted to say thanks again for helping me study

Me: I think I might actually survive this test thanks to you

Aiden: No need to thank me

Aiden: You're a genius in the making, maybe one day you'll be on my level

Aiden: You're going to ace the test

I blushed slightly, it was probably just the unusual praise from him. 

Me: You're giving me too much credit

Aiden: Nah, takes a genius to know one

I sent the laughing emoji, he read it, but then didn't respond. I left it for a couple of minutes, but then I got slightly worried. Everything was probably fine but I just needed to check. 

Me: Everything okay?

Aiden: Sorry, my mom's showed up

Aiden: I'll message you when she's gone

An hour passed and I got super worried, so even though he had said he was going to message first, I checked up on him. 

Me: Everything good?

Aiden: Yeah sorry about that

Aiden: She sometimes gets... unpredictable

Me: Is everything okay?

My anxiety was getting worse with every message, he seemed to be fine but I couldn't tell for sure. 

Aiden: Yeah, it's just... My parents are separated, and I live with my dad

Aiden: My mom has always had a drinking problem which is why I don't live with her

Aiden: Sometimes, when she gets really drunk, she shows up at our house

Aiden: She tries to take me home with her

Me: I'm so sorry

Me: That sounds rough

Aiden: It is what it is, you know?

Aiden: Divorce is messy, haha

Me: Yeah, I get it

Me: I've never even met my dad

Me: My mom never talks about him

Aiden: Really?

Aiden: We're like the children of divorce support group

Me: Yeah, haha, we should start a club or something

Aiden: The "Parents Are Complicated" club

Aiden: I'm in

Me: Agreed

Me: Thanks for opening up about that, btw

Me: We're in this together

Aiden: Always

I said my goodnights to him and then went to sleep, ready for the test. 

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