Chapter 26

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The next day I slept in for really long, I was exhausted from all the drama with Bree. When I finally woke up around midday, I had a message from Aiden. 

Aiden: Hey Katie, do you want to come over to mine? I've got plenty of snacks. After yesterday I think it would just be nice to do something chill.

Me: Hey! Sorry I only just woke up. If it's still up for offer I would love to come over! 

Aiden: All good! Come on over when you're ready!

Me: I would... if I had the address

Aiden: Right

Aiden: Duh, I forgot to send it

I laughed as he sent his address over. I wrote it down quickly on a notepad before starting to get ready. 

Aiden: Just knock when you get here

Aiden: I'll let you in

Me: Is anyone going to be home?

Aiden: Just me, dad is out for some family thing

Aiden: Why?

Me: No reason

Me: Just wondering what to expect

I slipped my trainers on and started doing my hair.

Aiden: Ah, I see

Aiden: Well it's just me

Aiden: My place is pretty basic, but cozy

Aiden: Perfect for relaxing

Me: Sounds perfect to me

Aiden: Cool, see you soon

I started walking to the address. It was only a street away from mine, I couldn't believe I've never seen him before this! 

I arrive at his house and just from the outside I would feel the coziness. It's made of fir wood and has white stone accents. The windows are tall and wide. The front garden is tidy and well kept, either his dad really likes gardening or they hire someone to look after it. The roof is high and covered with brown tiles. There's a chimney smoking just a tiny bit. And I can just see a sky light in the attic space. As I got closer to the house I could see a little pond in the front and potted plants on the porch. 

I go up and knock on his door. There was a moment of silence before the door opened and Aiden was standing there with a huge smile on his face. 

"Katie! Come on in." he gestures for me to walk inside. 

The house was warm so I instantly took my jacket off. 

"It really is cozy." I glance at the fireplace, "it's so warm which is so nice, after walking in that cold!"

He takes my jacket for me and hangs it up. I wander further into the house and Aiden follows closely behind. He comes up behind me and starts rubbing my arms. 

"Can I get you anything?" he asks, smiling down at me. 

The physical touch and leaning over me makes me blush. Being in a hot room after being in the cold always makes my cheeks super rosy. 

"No I'm good, thank you though." I say, looking away. 

"Okay. Well, I've got a movie and snacks set up in the attic if you want to do that" he says, walking towards the hallway. 

He led me upstairs and the set up was adorable. There were pillows and blankets on the floor. Bowls of chips and other snacks on a table in the middle. A little projector set up at the back projecting Netflix onto the wall. There were warm fairy lights randomly strung from the roof. It looked kind of rushed, but I knew he did it himself so that made it a thousand times more special.

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