Chapter 18

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"Oh no." I heard Aiden say, stopping in front of me, "Katie, is everything okay?"

I looked up from crying over my work, and attempted to wipe the tears off my face to put on a brave face. I wasn't emotionally stable enough for his teasing right now. 

"Oh, it's just work stress." I say, wiping at more tears, "You know how it is."

He raised an eyebrow and took the seat that Alexa was in a moment ago. 

"Right, because work stress involves doing no actual work and talking to Alexa." Aiden says, sarcastically, "You can't lie to me, I saw the whole thing."

I let out a shaky laugh. There was something about the way that he could so clearly see through my facade that was comforting. 

"Okay, fine." I said, softly, "It's not work stress. It's everything else. Problems with my mom, drama with Alexa... it feels like my whole life is falling apart."

His usual cocky demeanor softened for a second as he leaned closer to me, listening intently. 

"Well, well, Little Miss Sunshine has some dark clouds." he says, teasing, "About time you admitted it."

I couldn't help but smile despite my tears. 

"I know, I know, you warned me about Alexa." I said, slightly amused. 

He grinned and crossed his arms. 

"Told you so." he said, smiling, "But hey, who needs her, right? You've got me, your favorite fairy godfather."

I chuckled, ignoring the fact that he's been unusually nice to me recently. 

"Thanks." I said, softly, "I appreciate it. I just... I don't know how to handle everything."

He leant back in the chair, his usual confident posture returning. 

"Well, lucky for you, I'm an expert in handling life's messes." he said, sarcastically. "Step one: laugh at the chaos. It's so much more fun that way."

My troubles faded for a second as I laughed at his attempt to cheer me up. 

"You're ridiculous, you know that right?" I asked, smiling. 

"Ridiculously good at cheering you up? I know." he said grinning, "Well, that's my fairy godfather duties done. See you around!"

He got up and walked out of the room. After his cheering up I felt brave enough to talk to Alexa. I went home as it was starting to get dark, but as soon as I was home, I messaged Alexa. 

Me: Hey, we need to talk.

I waited anxiously for her response, after a while I got one. 

Alexa: About what?

Was she seriously playing dumb? She knew exactly what we needed to talk about. 

Me: About the way you've been treating me

Me: It's not cool

Alexa: Ugh, drama again?

Alexa: What's your deal?

What was MY deal? What was her deal? She's being so insensitive lately, I don't understand what happened. 

Me: I'm serious

Me: I thought friends were supposed to support each other, not dismiss each other

Alexa: Whatever

Alexa: You're blowing this out of proportion

Me: No, I'm not

Me: I deserve better than to be treated like an afterthought

Alexa: Well, maybe if you weren't so sensitive

Maybe if she wasn't so INsensitive, she'd understand where I was coming from. 

Me: I've tried to be there for you, but every time I need support, you brush me off

Me: It hurts

Alexa: If you're looking for sympathy, maybe Aiden can help you

Alexa: I saw him come to you RIGHT after we talked before

Alexa: Seems like you two are getting pretty cozy

Is she seriously bringing him into this? I could easily bring up Bree, but I choose not to. 

Me: What does Aiden have to do with this?

Alexa: Oh, come on, Katie

Alexa: I've seen the way he looks at you

Alexa: Don't play dumb

Me: This has nothing to do with Aiden

Me: This is about OUR friendship

Alexa: Sure, keep telling yourself that

Alexa: It's always about you, isn't it?

She was finally saying it to my face. All those things I heard the girls say that she said about me behind my back to Bree, this was proof they were true. 

Me: I can't believe you're bringing Aiden into this

Me: He's just a friend, and I won't let you ruin it

Alexa: Friends, huh?

Alexa: Sounds familiar

Alexa: You always find someone to replace me

Replace HER? I so badly wanted to bring Bree up, but I wasn't going to stoop that low, I could win without it. 

Me: That's not true

Me: This is about you not being there when I needed you

Alexa: Well, maybe I don't need a friend who's always so damn needy

NEEDY? Oh, I'm not letting her get away with that. 

Me: If that's how you feel, then I guess we shouldn't be friends anymore

Me: For good this time

Alexa: Fine

Alexa: Good luck finding someone who will put up with your drama

Me: Goodbye Alexa.

I then blocked her contact. I texted Aiden, telling him everything that happened. He applauded me for being so brave and he told me that if I needed him to deal with her for me, he would. I wasn't sure what that meant so I declined. When he responded with;

Aiden: Probably a smart decision on your behalf, haha

I knew I had made the right decision. 

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