Chapter 31

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We ran a little way before Aiden checked our surroundings. Then he continued running. He kept doing that - and I eventually caught on that he was just doing it so I could catch up to him. We ran for what felt like an eternity. Eventually I felt as if I couldn't keep going. I tried to keep up with him, and then I just collapsed. 

"Katie!" he exclaimed, then turned around and ran up to me. "Are you okay?"

"I- I can't keep going." I said, clutching at my chest from my position on the ground. "I can't breathe."

"Hey, it's alright." he crouches down next to me and takes my hand. "Just take a couple of breaths."

"I'm serious, I don't think I can stand up, my legs feel like jelly." I say, sitting up and grabbing at his arms for support. 

He helps me up, and I struggle to stand straight. I was so tired. So without a word he scooped me up. He continued to run with me in his arms. He held me close and I felt... something. 

What is happening to me?

We were supposed to be just friends. 

I think there's been a glitch. One second he's my best friend, and then next he's carrying me around. And the thing is... I'm not hating it. He looked down at me and there was the feeling again. 

Shit, shit, shit.

Was I falling for him?

He looked down at me again, smiling this time. 

Yes. Yes I was. And I should hate it, but I don't. 

I know we're just friends. I know I'm a hopeless case. I know all of that. But I couldn't help it. With just one look he can make my heart pound. This... crush - it's like a disease. I'm crazy. I admired his profile from my awkward angle. It looked so - I can't believe I'm about to use this word to describe Aiden - handsome. He was gorgeous and I couldn't believe I only accepted that fact now. I'm wonderstruck. Every memory I had with him, I played back and I realized I had always liked him. Always and forever. That thought made me blush, and just as I did so he looked down at me again, and I swear that made him smile. He hugged me closer and all I could think was. Please, don't be in love with anyone except me. Please. 

We finally got to the hideout, it was a small abandoned shack in the middle of the woods. I saw the outside and I was skeptical. He looks at my face and chuckles. 

"The inside is so much better than the outside. Trust me." he says as he opened the door. 

He put me down on the couch and he was right. The inside was adorable. There was a little couch, with fairy lights, a tiny - functional - kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. 

The first thing I did was flop down on the bed. It was surprisingly comfy. 

"This place is amazing." I say, turning around to lay on my back. "How did you do this all in two days?"

"I've always known about this place so I've been looking after it for years now. Whenever I want a getaway from reality I tell my dad I'm going on a weekend trip with the guys and then I hide up here for a couple days." he says, looking around proudly, "And so it's the perfect place to run to. No one except me and you know about it."

I tried to answer him, tell him how cool it was, but my eyelids suddenly felt super heavy. I curled up into a ball on top of the sheets. It was around 3am and I was exhausted. Right before I drifted off I heard Aiden gently chuckle and then drape a blanket over me. 

When I woke up the sun was high and bright. I wandered out of the room to find Aiden. He was sitting on the couch reading a book. 

"What time is it?" I asked. 

He got up, and went outside. I stood confused in the doorway for a second and then he came back inside. 

"Just past 7. How are you feeling?" he asked me. 

"I'm good, I just needed some sleep." I said, smiling. 

I sat down next to him and got out my phone. It was pretty high in battery so as long as I don't use it too much I should have battery for the whole weekend. In case we need to call for an emergency.

I checked my socials and saw that Alexa was at another party with our classmates. Instead of feeling jealous, I just laughed. 

"Look at us. The two kids with divorced parents trying to make friends with people with perfect lives. They're too good for us." I say, which makes him laugh too. 

"It does kind of feel like that, doesn't it? We're staying here in this shack while they're all invited to that fancy party." He says, shaking his head and laughing before looking at me, "Well, at least we have each other. We don't need a party when we have... whatever this is."

He gestured to the shack but I couldn't help but think he meant us. Whatever WE were. And I wasn't sure either. 

"Yeah, you and me against the world. Literally." I say, laughing. 

We laughed for a little bit longer - and I accidentally realized that his laugh is my favorite sound and one of the best sounds I'd ever heard - before going out to explore the forest. We stayed out there until dark and then we went back to the shack. Aiden kept amazing me with his talents. When we got back to the shack he made dinner, I had no idea he could cook. It was just macaroni and cheese but it was better than anything my mom had ever made and I made that very clear. Then we went to sleep, I was so tired from the day and excited for the next that I fell asleep right away... with Aiden NEXT TO ME. Everyone always dreams of this situation with their crush, and I was actually getting it. And I wanted more. All I could think was; we should be together right now. I don't want him to be my best friend. I wanted to be his and for him to be mine.

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