The Truth Comes Out

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Josh left work at noon on Saturday. He picked me up from Elise's, and we went out to his house. Helen was just starting to peel a cucumber for the salad. I grabbed a knife, and began helping her. Robert had taken Reuben into town, to meet up with a girl. They would be picking up the pork chops Robert would be grilling for dinner.

About four o'clock, a white luxury sedan pulled up at the end of the driveway. It backed up, turned in, and drove up to the house. My mom had arrived. Josh and I walked out, holding hands.

Mom said, "Hello, Amanda. Hello, Josh." I smiled.

"Hi, Mom. I hope you're hungry." We walked into the house together, and I introduced Josh's father and brother. Moments later, another vehicle pulled in. It was Bret's SUV. He and Elise were joining us for dinner. Josh's mom had invited them. As they walked in the door, Bret was holding Paul. He was squirming, so Bret put him down, and he ran over to Josh and I. Josh scooped him up.

"Come here, you little wiggle worm!" Paul was squirming, so Josh turned him upside down.

Paul said, "Uncuh Josh, can I have Auntie Amanda?"

Josh spoke like a pirate, "Shiver me timbers, I think this little one likes ye." I laughed, and started tickling Paul. He was giggling, and wiggling. Josh finally put him down.

"You need to make the rounds, young man. You have some people to hug." He ran to Josh's mom and dad.

Once the entertainment ended, Helen addressed my mom.

"Samantha, I hope you don't mind. I thought you'd like to meet the people your daughter is staying with."

Mom replied, "That was very thoughtful."

I said, "Mom, this is Elise, her husband, Bret, and that little high speed projectile, is Paul." Paul gave us a funny look.

"High speed project child?" We all laughed.

The Whitaker's dining table is usually only big enough for six people. They have six chairs around it. But since there were nine of us, Robert grabbed the two extension pieces from a closet. He and Bret added them. They also brought out three folding chairs. Two small cushions were placed on one, as a booster for Paul. It was a tight squeeze, but no one seemed to mind.

When we sat down to eat, my mom addressed Helen.

"This salad looks great. Did you make this?"

Helen answered, "Amanda did most of it. All I did was buy the stuff, and peel the cucumber." Mom looked at me. She was faking a smile, but her eyes were full of sadness.

"You made this? Maybe you can teach me."

The rest of the time we were eating, our parents talked about work. Bret and Josh were also part of that discussion.

After dinner, the discussion was all about me.

Mom asked me, "So you're living with Bret, and Elise?"

"Yes. Elise is my mentor, and Bret is teaching me how to drive. I'm also Paul's babysitter whenever he needs one."

"Your mentor? With what?"
"She was a starling."

Elise told her, "My parents are Lars and Wanda Torgason."

My mom's jaw dropped.

She asked, "So what exactly are you teaching Amanda?"

"How to live as one of us."

"Who is 'us?'"


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