Fantasy and Reality

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We had just finished dinner when my phone rang.


"Hello, Amanda. It's Helga Schwartz. How are you doing tonight?"

"Hi, Mrs. Schwartz. I'm very well, thank you. How are you, and Mr. Schwartz?"

"We are both doing well. We are wondering if you would be available tomorrow afternoon? There is an event at our church tomorrow afternoon, at four o'clock. Our usual ride isn't going, and we'd really like to be there."

"Just a second." I held my phone away from my face.

"Robert, it's Mrs. Schwartz. They need a ride tomorrow afternoon. May I borrow the Battle Wagon?"

"Help yourself," Robert replied. "We won't be using it, and it needs to be driven."

"Mrs. Schwartz, what time do you want me to pick you up?"

"How about three-fifteen?"

"I'll see you then. Have a good night."

"Goodnight, Amanda."

The next afternoon at three-fifteen, Josh and I pulled into their driveway. The Schwartzes walked out onto their front porch.

"Hello, Amanda. Hello, Josh. Thank you both so much for this."

"Mrs. Schwartz, as much as you've helped me, it's the least I can do. I hope you don't mind that Josh is coming."

"Of course he is welcome to join us. Josh, I think you know our grandson, David Schmidt?"

Josh answered, "Yes, I know David. And his wife, Connie."

"David graduated from missionary school in the spring, and we are having a commissioning for him and Connie today. They're going to South Africa."

Josh and I helped the Schwartzes down their front steps. Mrs. Schwartz sat in the front seat with me. Josh sat behind me, and Mr. Schwartz sat behind his wife.

I asked, "Where is the church?"

Mr. Schwartz said, "It's on Poplar Grove road, out past The Rusty Bucket."

"Can you give me directions? I'm not sure where that is."

"Head toward town. At the bottom of the hill, turn right on Millicent."

As we were driving down the hill, I told them about wedding dress shopping with my mom.

"So I told the guy, 'I'm a bride, not a hooker.'" Josh and Mr. Schwartz both laughed, but Mrs. Schwartz gave me a puzzled look.

"What is a hooker?"

Mr. Schwartz replied, "Prostituierte." Mrs. Schwartz's face slowly became a smile. Her voice suggested a hint of disbelief.

"Amanda, you didn't really say that, did you?"

"Yes. I did."

"How did the salesman react?"

"He was offended. He tried to hide it, of course."

Mr. Schwartz said, "Amanda, turn left on Trickle Creek road. It's just over the next hill."

I told them all about Karen's shop, and what an amazing experience I had there.

Mrs. Schwartz asked, "Amanda, how are you and your mom getting along?"

"It surprises me just how well we are getting along. In fact, for the first time in my life, I feel like I might actually be bonding with her."

"That is so good to hear. Do you feel like you have forgiven her?"

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