Young Men will have Visions

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I might have been a little more nervous than I should have been. After all, we still had a week to go before our wedding. Josh and I went to Saint Deitrich's, and met-up with everyone who would have a role in our wedding. Dale's friend who owns the arch delivered it that morning. Josh, Bret and Robert helped him carry it in. The florist would be decorating it the following Friday afternoon.

We discussed where everything should be placed. We decided the unity candle set would be placed next to the groom's side of the arch. The bride's side would have a matching small table, with a few pillar candles. Beyond the candle tables would be the flower sprays, placed at a forty-five degree angle facing the aisle, at the top of the steps to the platform.

From there, we went to the fellowship hall. We discussed where the cake cutting ceremony would take place, and what would be needed. Barney and Ruby were handling that part. They were buying the cake for us. Reverend Eric showed us the Sunday school classroom that Elise, Tabby, and I would use for getting ready. He also showed us the room Josh, Mike, Bret, and Reuben would use.

We returned to the sanctuary. Velma, the organist, played, "Here comes the bride." Bret and I practiced walking down the aisle. Pastor Mark walked us through the ceremony.

"Josh, you will stand here. Mike, you need to stand right there. Josh, when Bret hands Amanda off, you and she will join hands." We went through the rest of the ceremony. Bret and I practiced walking down the aisle and his handing me off two more times, just to be sure we would do it right.

We had reserved the banquet room at The Rusty Bucket, for six o'clock. We arrived a few minutes early. The Melversons were there, waiting for a booth.

Devon asked, "How was the rehearsal?"

Josh answered, "It went fine. I just hope I'm not so nervous that I forget what we're doing."

I asked, "Josh, are you really that nervous?"

"Excited, nervous, maybe a little bit terrified? After all, I am marrying the prettiest girl in all the land." Josh and I started kissing. Next thing I know, Robert is clearing his throat, and tapping on our shoulders.

"Come on, you two. You're not married yet."

We were approached by the head waiter.

"How many are in your party?"

Robert replied, "We're the Whitaker party, we have the banquet room reserved."

"Right this way." We were escorted in. Reuben and Tabby sat across the table from Josh and I. Reuben had finally achieved a firm grasp on the art of being a gentleman.

I said to Josh, "Just think, a week from now, you'll never need to sleep on the couch again." Bret started laughing.

"Elise and I have been married for four years now, and it seems like at least once a year, I end up on the couch."

Elise added, "That's only because we don't have a dog house. And you bring it on yourself. If you would just learn to behave...!" They both laughed, and kissed.

When we were finishing, Mom asked for the check. The waiter returned two minutes later, empty handed.

He told Mom, "It's already been paid."

"What? Who paid it?"

"I don't know who. They were paying for their own ticket, and told the cashier they were paying for yours as well."

Paul woke me up the next morning, a few minutes after eight. I didn't even open my eyes.

"What? What do you want?"

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