The Rest of the Story

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"Good morning, beautiful. How is Mrs. Amanda Whitaker this morning?" We were in a brand-new queen-sized bed, surrounded by brand-new furniture. We assumed my mom had bought it for us, as a gift.

We raided the fridge. After breakfast, we snuggled on the couch.

About noon, Bret's SUV pulled up. Elise was knocking on the door when Mom's car, and Robert's car pulled up. Helen pulled up in the Battle Wagon. Josh and I went together to answer the door.

"Auntie Amanda!" Josh picked up Paul, and I hugged him.

"Hello, newlyweds! Have a good night?" Bret asked.

"We both slept like babies," Josh replied. "So, how many people helped you decorate my pick-up?" Bret just smiled a devilish smile.

Josh and I let the others unload the vehicles. There was a box of cards, which Helen placed on the coffee table. Our gifts were placed on the dining table.

I asked Mom, "When did you buy all of the furniture in our room?"

"I'm not sure I should tell you. I mean, it might upset you."


"Because of who paid for it."

"You can tell us."

"Last Monday, there was an envelope left outside the door. In it was a cashiers' check. It was from your dad's account, so it had to be from your dad. There was no note. Nothing written in the memo line. It was more than enough, so I asked Helen and Ruby to help me.

While you girls were having your spa day, we bought the furniture for your bedroom. Are you happy with it, by the way?" Josh and I both smiled.

"Yeah. It's great."

"I'm glad you're both happy with it. Once it was delivered, Bret, Robert, and Barney set it all up. Ruby and Helen helped me get the bed made, and the curtains hung."

Helen told us, "We're giving you kids the Battle Wagon. We don't have any need for it."

I hugged Helen, and thanked her.

Elise had packed my stuff at her home, and brought it to me. Josh had packed his own, Robert and Helen brought it to him. We spent the rest of the day visiting, and unpacking. We spent Monday opening presents, and cards. Buck gave Josh the week off, so we were relaxing, and sending out thank-you cards.

Josh and I went with Dale and Tabby the following Saturday, to visit Wendy's grave. Reuben also joined us. I was wearing Wendy's bracelet.

Dale said, "Wendy, I miss you every day. It's not getting any easier. You would be so proud of our daughter. Tabby is a beautiful young woman. She's growing up too fast. She has a new friend, Amanda Whitaker. Amanda has become like a big sister to her."

I held out my hand.

"Wendy, Dale and Tabby loaned me your bracelet to wear for my wedding. It was the 'something borrowed,' and I'm grateful. I'm returning it, but the meaning it now has for me, I can never give back. Thank you, Wendy." Dale unlatched the bracelet, and dropped it in his pocket.

That evening, I showed Mom the card from Dad. I still haven't given up hope that someday, he and Edward will both realize there's no life in status.

Josh and I have lunch at Robert and Helen's every Sunday afternoon, after church. Mark joins us when he is able. He's engaged to a woman named Laura.

We graduated from high school and, a week later, we found out we were expecting our first. The same day we told Robert and Helen, Reuben proposed to Tabby.

Reuben is every bit the gentleman that Josh is, and Tabby has him wrapped tightly around her little finger. The family gave one of Charlotte's necklaces to her, for their wedding.

Josh and I's marriage isn't perfect, but it's as close as a marriage can be. We still have our disagreements, but we always seem to reach common ground in a hurry. Josh almost never raises his voice, and when he does, he always catches himself. He always begs my forgiveness, and we never stay mad.

We were able to buy a house next door to the Schwartzes. Mrs. Richardson was right, our kids really were the cutest babies. Elise, Raina, Tabby, and I get together at least once a month for a girls' night, or mommy talk. I love seeing real nature outside our windows, and watching our kids - ten year old Jacob, and six year old twins Trina and Louise - playing in the yard. I will never miss the starling life.

The End   

A Starling's RedemptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora