Spreading the News

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When Josh and I walked in, Helen was in the kitchen. She and Robert were preparing to go to bed.

Helen said, "Hello, you two. Did you have a good time?"

Josh whispered, "I'm gonna get ready for bed."

"Okay." After we kissed, he left, and I spoke with Helen.

"It went fine. Toby Sinclaire, a guy I once bullied, was there. He confronted me. I thought for sure Josh was going to beat him senseless, but the Schwartzes intervened."

"What did Toby say to you, that set-off Josh?"

"He asked why I hadn't burst into flames when I walked in the front door of the church."

"So how was the rest of the evening?"

We discussed the gathering.

Josh walked up, put his arms around me, and we kissed.

He said, "Amanda found her dream wedding venue. It really is a beautiful little church."

Helen asked, "Are you going to look into reserving it?" I grinned.

"Josh paid the full amount. We have it reserved for the whole day! The ceremony is scheduled to start at ten!"

Josh added, "Amanda was fantasizing about walking down the aisle. Helga had to get her attention."

Helen said, "You'll have to take us to see it."

Josh and I hugged and kissed, and I hugged Helen.

"Goodnight, Helen."

"Goodnight, Amanda. I'm glad you found your church."

I went into Josh's bedroom and called my mom. I talked to her while I changed.

"Hi, Mom. I hope it's not too late."

"Hi, Amanda. No, I wasn't in bed yet. I was just looking at a few listings."

"Josh and I took the Schwartzes to a thing at their church this afternoon. It's my dream wedding church! Mom, you have to see it!"

"What church is that?"

"Saint Dietrich's Lutheran Church. It's out on Poplar Grove road. Mom, it's perfect!"

"What does it look like inside?"

"The ceiling is basically the inside of the roof. It's really tall. That main room has two rows of pews, and the aisle in between is the perfect width. When we first got there, I was fantasizing about my wedding happening there."

"That main room is called a sanctuary. What else can you tell me about it?"

"There are stained glass windows on both sides. I can just picture a flower covered arch in the middle of the platform, with a reverend standing there."

"Is there a fellowship hall big enough for a reception?"

"Yes. I told Josh where we should place the table with our cake, and a table for gifts!"

"Amanda, are you going to be able to sleep tonight? Remember, you have school in the morning."

"Yes, Mom. Although, I'll probably be too distracted to concentrate on my classes."

"Amanda, you need to calm down. Your wedding isn't tomorrow. You still need to reserve the church, if that's the place you want to use."

"Josh paid the pastor the full price, as a deposit. We have it for the whole day, and the ceremony is scheduled to start at ten!"

"Amanda, if you don't calm down, you'll be falling asleep in your classes tomorrow."

"Okay. Fine. I'll go to bed. Goodnight, Mom. I love you."

"I love you too, Amanda. Have a good night."

It was the first time I told her I love her. And Mom was right, I did fall asleep in my first three classes the next morning.

Over the next few days we told our friends. I told Elise and Bret about the church, and how it fits my dream.

Elise asked, "So overall, how are you feeling?"

"I'm excited. It seems like everything has begun to fall into place."

"Have you and Josh gone ring shopping yet?"

"No, but I'm certain we'll easily find what we want. We both want plain bands. I don't want anything big, or tacky."

Bret asked, "No starling rings for you?"

Elise said, "Just ignore him. He needs to get together with Josh, and blow off a little steam."

I went with Helen to visit Mrs. Richardson the following Saturday. Josh met with Bret that evening, after work. I didn't even want to know what sort of trouble they were contemplating. 

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