Answered Prayers

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It was the Wednesday after Thanksgiving. I picked up Tabby from school, and we headed for home.

Tabby said, "I have these two friends, Maria, and Anna. They keep pestering me to go to their church youth group with them."

"Are you uncomfortable with the idea of going to church?"

"It's not so much that. I don't know anyone else who goes there. I'd feel very out of place. Amanda, will you go with me? I could tell them you're my big sister."

"Okay, but we'll be honest. We'll tell them you're my future sister-in-law." Tabby was shocked.

"Amanda! Reuben and I are just dating."

We ate an early dinner, and headed for the church.

"Amanda, I'm nervous."


"I've never been to one of these. What if it's weird? What if they ask me to pray, or read the Bible?"

"We're just visiting. They won't expect either of us to do more than listen. Tabby, what if it's fun? What if they play a game that you get wrapped up in? What happens if you actually have a good time?"

"Amanda, how did you get so wise?"

"Mrs. Schwartz has been rubbing off on me. I should introduce you to them this weekend."

We were just getting out of the car when one of Tabby's friends hustled up.

"Tabby, you made it!" The girls hugged.

"Maria, this is Amanda."

"Hi, Amanda. It's nice to meet you. Tabby has told us a lot about you." Maria led us into the building. It was nice and warm inside.

We made our way into a casual classroom. It had bean bag chairs in front, couches in the middle, and a few bar stools along the back wall. There was a screen on the front wall. The projector was mounted to the ceiling. The kids were all talking, and energetic. They were all middle school students, twelve to fourteen years of age.

Tabby waved.

"Hi, Anna!" The two girls embraced.

"Tabby, who's your friend?"

"This is Amanda." They conversed for a minute or two. I felt out of place – A highschool junior in a room full of middle schoolers.

The leaders are a married couple. The husband blew a whistle.

"Okay, kids, time to settle. Let's find our seats!" Maria grabbed Tabby's hand, and pulled her over to one of the couches. She sat between Maria and Anna. I sat on one of the bar stools at the back of the room.

The male leader said, "Before we get started tonight, I want to introduce someone. This is Mark Remington. He's visiting this week. He's been invited to candidate for the associate pastor position, so we need to make a good impression."

Mark asked, "This is the middle school group?"

"Yes, that's right." Mark sat in a folding chair on one side of the room, where he could observe.

The female leader said, "I see a new face here tonight. Maria, would you like to introduce your friend?"

"Yes. This is Tabitha Walenski. We call her Tabby."

"Welcome, Tabitha. And who is the young woman you came in with tonight?"

"She's my, um, I mean, she's..."

Tabby was panicking, so I walked up and stood behind her.

"I'm her friend, and hopefully one day, sister-in-law. My name is Amanda Talmage."

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