Making Friends

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It was the Friday of my weekend to stay with the Whitakers. Josh dropped me off, and I drove the Battle Wagon into town. I picked up a few items for the elderly neighbors, and drove back out. I had a short visit with Mrs. Richardson. When I was done there, I dropped in on the Schwartzes. Their niece, Hannah Sinclaire, was visiting. She had her son, Toby, with her. Mr. Schwartz met me at the door.

"Hello, Amanda. It's good to see you."

"Hello, Mr. Schwartz. I was unaware you had company. Should I come back later?"

"No, please, I want you to come in. I want you to meet our niece, Hannah."

When I walked in, Toby and I spotted each other. He and I both tensed up. Mrs. Schwartz introduced me.

"Hannah, this is Amanda. She's the young lady I was telling you about." Hannah offered me her hand, so I shook it.

I said, "It's nice to meet you."

"And you, Amanda. Uncle Otto and Aunt Helga have said some wonderful things about you. They tell me you have quite a story."

"Yes." I turned to Mrs. Schwartz.

"What was that word the pastor used?"

"It's called a testimony."

Toby said, "I thought it was only called that when a person was talking about God's role in their life. From what I saw at the church, you don't have anything to do with God."

"I'm sorry, Amanda," Hannah said. "I don't know where his attitude is coming from."

"I'm afraid your son only had encounters with me before I made the acquaintance of your Aunt and Uncle."

Toby said, "She was one of the starlings that made my life a living hell. She's one of the reasons I had to switch schools at the end of seventh grade."

"Toby, I'm not that person anymore. In fact, I'm deeply ashamed of the person I used to be."

"Then why do you still have a rich jerk for a boyfriend?"

"Josh is not financially wealthy. His family are working class. And a jerk? He saved my life. He and his family taught me what it means to be loved."

"Josh? Does he work for Buck and Dotty, who own CobbleStone Pet Supply?"


"My girlfriend, Chelsea, talks about a Josh, and his former starling girlfriend."

I relaxed, and smiled.

"That's us. But you need to remind Chelsea that Josh and I are engaged. She should be using the word 'fiancé.'"

"So you really are all that different?"

"Toby, I'm as different now, as you and I were, back when we went to the same school."

"Chelsea did say you've become someone worth knowing."

"At the church the other night, you said you changed schools. But it sounded like that wasn't really any better?"

"There were starlings at that school, too. Sapphire Llewellyn, and her bunch. They are every bit as nasty as your former friends."
"Saffy used to be one of my shopping buddies. I don't even want to guess how much money she and I flushed away in all those little boutiques."

"Her parents bought her a Ferrari for her sweet sixteen. I'm surprised to see you driving that old wagon."

"It's not mine. It belongs to my future in-laws. They added me to their insurance, so I could drive it. Her parents gave her her own Ferrari?"

"Yeah, a California. It's red, of course."

"Honestly, I'd rather have that wagon. It's a lot more practical, and I can drive Otto and Helga wherever they need to go."

"Okay, now I am shocked. That's something a starling would never say." We continued the conversation for another hour, then I needed to get home. Robert and Helen were expecting me to join them for dinner.

Josh met me on the front porch. We kissed, and he walked me in. When we entered the family room, I was introduced to someone new.

Helen said, "Amanda, this is Tabitha Walenski. She and Reuben are dating."

Tabitha said, "Wow, Reuben. Your brother sure has good taste." I offered her my hand. She was a bit shy, but she seemed sweet.

"Hi, Tabitha. It's nice to meet you. How long have you and Reuben been dating?"

"Just since Tuesday. We haven't been out on an actual date, yet."

Josh said, "Watch his hands, he's a butt grabber. Right, Amanda?"

Tabitha said, "He did that to one of my friends, just after spring break last year. He shook his head, and said it wasn't as good. We've been wondering what he meant."

I replied, "Yes, he grabbed my butt. I slapped his face for it."

"He never mentioned that part."

Helen said, "So, Tabitha..."

"Tabby, please."

"Okay, Tabby. Tell us about yourself. What do you like about school?"

As we sat down to eat, she told us about her classes, and her interests.

"I really wanted to be a cheerleader, but I wasn't athletic enough. I'm not very good at sports."

I replied, "I'm not either. Neither are Josh, or Reuben. That's nothing to be ashamed of."

Josh said, "Reuben is active in a sport. Competitive butt grabbing." I slapped his arm, and gave him a look that made him wince.

Tabby continued, "I guess what I really want to be, is popular."

Helen and I simultaneously began to comment. A second later, we both stopped, and looked at each other.

Helen said, "Amanda, I believe you are better qualified." I turned back to Tabitha.

"Tabby, being popular is in no way rewarding. Take me for instance. I was a starling. I had it all. I could have had any guy I wanted, anytime I wanted. But it was so empty, and so shallow. I gave it all up. I traded it for a loving family, and devoted friends."

Tabitha looked shocked.

"You were a starling?"

"My last name is Talmage. You probably know my brother, Edward."

"Edward Talmage is your brother? But he's such an insufferable jerk. He and his friends tried to stuff me into my locker."

"Sad but true. I used to be just as bad."

We finished eating, and moved into the family room. I cuddled with Josh on the couch. Tabitha told us about her home life, which is just her, and her dad. His name is Dale. They live in the same neighborhood as Bret and Elise. Her dad picked her up a few minutes before eight. I didn't know it, but I was about to have a place in Tabitha's life.

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