The gift of family and friends

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I spent Christmas eve at Josh's. On Christmas morning, my mom joined us. Helen and I made breakfast. Josh gave me a pair of garnet earrings. I put them on, hugged him, and gave Josh his gift. Reuben called Tabby, she and her dad had traveled to his parents' home.

We went to Barney and Ruby's home for the big family gathering. Mom and I both had more fun, and felt more loved than we ever had. I was finally introduced to Barney and Robert's parents. They are the reason Barney and Robert are such sweet guys. Elise, Raina and I made a batch of holiday fudge.

Dinner was a smoked elk roast. Helen made potatoes au gratin to go with it.

Mom said, "Those fancy restaurants, where we went for holidays, have nothing that compares to this. This is fantastic!" I was going to reply, but my mouth was full. After eating, we conversed long into the evening. I fell asleep on the way home.

Tabby and I were invited to have lunch with the Melversons at their home on the afternoon of New Year's Eve. We asked Josh and Reuben to accompany us. When the four of us arrived, it wasn't what we expected. It was a nice two-story house, in a pleasant middle class neighborhood.

Reuben said, "One of the richest families in town lives here? I was expecting a mansion."

We were greeted at the door by Devon.

"Hello, Amanda, and Tabitha. I'm sorry, I don't remember these gentlemen's names."

"I'm Josh, and my brother, Reuben."

"Ah, yes. Won't you come in?"

He led us through the house. It was tidy, but not perfectly immaculate. Nothing like what I expected.

Bridgette hugged Tabby.

"Hi, Tabby. Welcome to my home. Can I show you my room?" The two of them went upstairs. Reuben seemed a bit uncertain.

"Should I...?" He pointed at the two girls who were just starting up the stairs.

Josh told him, "Stay here with us."

Britney asked, "So when's your big day?"

I answered, "Saturday, June 7th."

"Do you have a place picked out?"

"We reserved Saint Deitrich's Lutheran Church, out on Poplar Grove road."

"That is a charming little church, and a picturesque setting. You will have a beautiful wedding there."

"That is what I'm hoping for."

"So how's your mom?"

"She's great. She and I will be going to the dress maker in a few days. I have another fitting."

"Who's making your dress?"

"Her name is Karen. She has a little dress shop in the suburbs. It's kind of a hole-in-the-wall location, but it's a wonderful little shop."

"I know that little shop. I have several dresses from there."

Josh and Devon both looked extremely bored.

Devon asked, "Josh, would you mind helping me put some kabobs on the grill?" The guys walked away, Reuben and Michael followed. Britney and I discussed the wedding dress I wanted.

Tabby and Bridgette walked in a few minutes later.

Tabby asked, "Are those Shrimp kabobs? I love shrimp!"

Bridgette replied, "I like them, too. Maria and Anna both told me you like them, so I asked Dad to make them for us."

The food was good, and the conversation was light.

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