Things of Beauty

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Robert took Josh tuxedo shopping right after school on Friday. That evening, I was talking on the phone with Helen.

I asked, "So, how does he look in a tux?"

"You know that British secret agent in all those movies? Josh looks like one of them. I can just picture him sitting in a casino, with piles of chips in front of him."

"I can't imagine Josh even wanting to go into a casino, let alone actually gambling." Helen texted me a picture. My heart sped up. He's a gorgeous guy, with a heart of gold. I just sat there staring at his picture.

I was whispering, "Mrs. Amanda Whitaker."

When Dale heard I wanted an arch for our wedding, he called his friend who has one. The friend invited us to look at it on Saturday, so Josh took the day off.

Dale and Tabby took Josh and I to meet with Dale's friend.

"It's in my shop. If you will follow me?"

We walked into his shop. He had the arch out, standing in the middle of the floor. It was made entirely of red cedar. It was eight feet tall at the peak, five feet wide, and two feet deep. It had lattice all the way up both sides, and over the top.

He said, "I built this for my wife and I's wedding."

I walked around it, looking up and down. I pictured it covered in white flowers.

"I also have these drapes for it," the friend said. He pulled out a pair of white satin drapes. He attached them at the top, in the center of the arch. He tied them up at the sides.

I asked, "Dale, please stand like a reverend under it."

Josh asked, "What do you think?"

"I love this! With the drapes. Picture it covered in white flowers. Imagine Dale is Mark." I led Josh over to it, and had him stand with me the same way he would at our wedding.

"Josh, can you see it?"

"I can see the world's most beautiful bride standing with me in front of it." He kissed me.

Dale's friend asked, "When and where do you need it delivered?"

Josh answered, "Saint Dietrich's, on Poplar Grove road. Our wedding day is the first Saturday in June, so probably the day before."

"Miss, didn't you say you want flowers on it?"

"Yes, white ones," I said.

"What time is the ceremony?"

"Ten o'clock in the morning."

"In that case, I'd better get it there on Thursday. That way, it can be decorated on Friday. It will take several hours to get it done right. Is that still Pastor Eric's church?"

Josh answered, "Yes, it is. Do you know him?"

"I've met him a couple of times. I'll call him, and arrange delivery."

I couldn't help myself. I hugged Dale's friend.

We left, headed to the flower shop Britney had recommended. Once we were on the road, I started crying.

Tabby asked, "Amanda, are you okay?"

"I'm better than okay, Tabby. Everything is falling into place."

Tabby texted Bridgette, and told her where we were going. Britney and Bridgette arrived a minute or two ahead of us.

Britney greeted us, "Hi, Amanda. Hi, Josh. Hi, Tabitha. I'm sorry I don't remember your dad's name."

"I'm Dale. I don't remember your names either."

When we walked into the flower shop, the clerk, Megan, greeted Britney.

"Hello, Britney. What are you and your friends looking for today?"

"This is Josh, and Amanda. They are getting ready for their wedding, and they need some flowers."

"Okay, where shall we start?"

Josh said, "The arch." He showed her pictures on his phone.

Megan asked, "What color flowers?"

I said, "White."

"Let's start with these Dahlias. They're called, 'Kenora Challenger.'" She did some quick math, and told us how many would be needed. They were big blooms.

Megan said, "We can plug the gaps with white chrysanthemums, called, 'Ja Dank.'" She did the math on those as well. We discussed flower sprays, and I picked out what I wanted. I was in tears. So far, it all looked so much like my dream wedding.

Megan asked, "Amanda, have we forgotten anything?"

I said, "My bouquet."

"There's a lot of white already, may I make a suggestion?" I nodded. She went to a cooler, and brought out a dozen light-peach colored roses.

"These are, 'Princess Charlene De Monaco.' Since you are blonde, and have a light complexion, these will be a perfect complement." I turned around and held the roses close to my face.

"What do you all think?"

Josh replied, "Babe, I think they're perfect."

Britney added, "They are subtle. You don't want a bouquet that draws attention to itself." Megan took six of the roses, added a little baby's breath, and four small white carnations. She tied it with a ribbon, and handed it to me.

"How does that feel in your hand?" I smiled and nodded. I was too emotional to speak. Megan had me follow her to the check-out counter. There's a mirror on the wall behind it. I held the bouquet in front of me, and cried.

Megan asked, "So is that a yes?" I nodded.

Megan asked Josh when and where our wedding would happen. They spent a few minutes discussing the timeline, and location. Megan began adding up the bill.

Britney asked, "Josh and Amanda, would you please excuse us for a few minutes? I need to talk to Megan about flowers for our office."

We walked out, I still had my bouquet in my hand. Dale went to his car, and brought out a package of tissues.

"I think you need these." I smiled, and nodded. After blowing my nose, I thanked him.

Bridgette walked up to me.

"Amanda, you're needed. You forgot the bouquet for your maid of honor."

I picked out pale pink roses, called, 'Awakening,' and baby's breath.

Josh asked, "So what's the bill for all this?"

Britney answered, "It's on Melverson Financial. Consider it our wedding gift."

I asked, "Is it possible to save this bouquet for my wedding day?"

Megan replied, "You can keep that one. I will make one just like it for your wedding day. That way, you will have fresh flowers."

They dropped me off at Elise's. Bret and Elise were planning to go out. I would be making dinner for myself, and Paul.

"Amanda, that's a beautiful bouquet. Where did you get it?"

"Petunia's. The floral shop, on 23rd. It's what my bridal bouquet will look like." My tears were flowing again. I told her about the rest of our day.

That night, I was laying in bed, thinking about everything that had happened to me over the past thirteen months. My pillow was getting wet from my tears.

I prayed my first prayer, "God, what did I do to deserve this life? And this family? I was such a nasty person, but you saw fit to bring me into this life of love, and joy. You gave me a family who loves me for who I am. You gave me a fiancé who saved me, because he saw me as a whole person. You seem to be making all the pieces of my dream wedding fall into place. God, is it because You love me, too?" I cried myself to sleep thinking about my dream wedding, and my blessed new life. 

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