The Single Girl's Penultimate Experience

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I spent Sunday night at Josh's. Our discussion with Mark had lasted through dinner, and we were both feeling like we had a firm grasp on the Gospel. We had our first Bible study. Between that, and thinking about our wedding, I'd essentially forgotten that we had finals coming up.

Josh and I had just left for school on Monday morning.

He asked, "Are you ready for your finals?" A wave of panic washed over me.

"That's today!?"

"This is finals week. I've been too distracted to study."

"Thinking about our wedding?"

"That, and wondering if you'll put 'Mrs. Amanda Whitaker' on your tests." He smiled playfully.

I kissed his cheek, and put my head on his shoulder.

Josh and I were just leaving school, and I had a request.

"Drop me off at Elise's. I need the Battle Wagon, so I can pick-up Tabby and Reuben."

"Okay. I should pick-up Reuben, though. I'll take him home, so he and I can study."

Josh pulled up to the middle school just ahead of me. When Reuben and Tabby walked out, we met them. They hugged and kissed, as did Josh and I. We headed off in different directions.

I told Tabby, "I need to swing by Elise's, and pack for the night. Then, if you are okay with it, we'll go out to join the boys."

"I'll let my dad know to pick me up there."

"Tell him he's joining us for dinner."

Tabby called her dad.

When we walked in, the boys were surprised.

"Honey? What are you and Tabby doing here?"

"We want to study with you. We all have finals."

Robert and Helen brought home pizzas. After we ate, we returned to studying. Dale quietly conversed with Robert and Helen. Dale and Tabby stayed until about eight o'clock.

Josh and I did manage to pass all of our finals. And yes, I did use 'Mrs. Amanda Whitaker' on all of my finals.

My phone rang at about eight-thirty on Thursday morning.

"Amanda, are you up yet?"

"Hi, Raina. I guess I'm up now. What's going on?"

"I'll be there in an hour. We're taking you out for a spa day. I'll call Tabby, she'll enjoy it, too."

Ruby and Raina pulled in together, in Ruby's car.

"Hi, Ruby. Are you going with us?"

"No, I'm taking Paul to the zoo. You kids have a good time."

When we picked up Tabby, she was nervous.

"Will this be as fun as our girls' day?"

Raina said, "It's more of a relaxed fun. All of the stress from school will melt away, and you will feel better than you have in a long time."

"I'm just afraid it will be weird."

"There's nothing weird about it. We'll have massages, and facials. We'll get manicures, and pedicures. We'll finish by having our hair done. That's why I told you to wear a loose fitting, button-down shirt."

"I borrowed this shirt from Reuben."

"Does he know?"

Tabby giggled.

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