Party Time!

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Josh's birthday was on Tuesday, but we put off the party until Saturday. He worked Saturday, so I spent much of the day with Mrs. Schwartz. She taught me how to make small braided apple strudels. That evening, I made a dozen for Josh. He arrived home just as the first pan was coming out of the oven.

"Babe, that smells amazing. What is it?"

"How do you say 'guess' in German?"

I showed him the pan. I was smiling, and feeling a little excited. He smiled at me, kissed me, and grabbed one off the pan. He dropped it immediately, since they were fresh from the oven, and still hot.

"Oh! Josh! Are you all right?" He nodded, and ran cold water on his fingers.

"You'd better get changed, and cleaned up. These will still be here when you come back." He kissed me again, and went to his room.

Robert was cooking fish filets, and Helen was teaching my mom how to make mashed potatoes. When Josh came back out, he ate three of the strudels.

I said, "Go easy on those things. Don't ruin your dinner."

Josh replied, "Part of me hopes you will make these often. But my waist line hopes you won't."

Helen said, "Don't forget, after dinner it's cake and ice cream."

Josh asked, "Can't we just have strudels instead?"

Dale and Tabby joined us in time for dinner. After dinner, it was dancing for Josh and I, and Reuben and Tabby.

When Dale and Tabby were preparing to leave, Reuben and Tabby were whispering to each other, and giggling.

Reuben asked, "Josh, will you and Amanda give Tabby and I kissing lessons?" I clamped my hand over Josh's mouth before he could say anything.

I answered, "You and Tabby will have to figure that one out on your own."

Tabby spent her days with Elise and I during Christmas vacation, while her dad was at work. Tabby was talking about plans she and her friends have.

"Anna's family is getting a puppy."

Elise asked, "Where are they getting it?"

"They are adopting it from a rescue. Apparently, a pregnant dog was dropped off there, and Anna's family is getting one of the puppies."

Tabby followed that with a question that seemed to come out of left field.

"Amanda, are we strays?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the Whitakers took in Elise, and made her part of their family. And then, they rescued you. Now, they seem to have adopted me and my dad."

Elise said, "I've never thought about it like that. What do you think, Amanda? Are we stray starlings?"

"Yes, they rescued us. I think it's safe to add my mom to that list, as well."

Tabby added, "Only because they love us."

The Sunday before Christmas, Josh and I drove the Schwartzes to church for the morning service. My mom, and Josh's family joined us there. They wanted to see the church. The service was traditional Christmas songs, and a sermon on the birth in a manger. After the service, Reverend Eric Wolfson made a point of greeting us.

"Hello, you two. I'm sorry, your names escape me."

"I'm Josh Whitaker, and my fiancée, Amanda Talmage."

"That's right. Amanda, have you given any thought to my suggestion to look for God's hand on your life?"

"I'm certainly starting to. This is my mom, Samantha. She and I are building a relationship. We never had one until like five months ago. And my friend, Tabitha, had a prayer answered to have her dad on a work schedule that allows them to spend time together."

Reverend Eric said, "It's a start."

He introduced himself to the rest of our party, and gave us a quick tour.

He asked, "Do you two have someone in mind to perform the ceremony?"

Robert answered, "My cousin, Mark Remington, will be doing it. He was just hired as a pastor at a church across town."

Reverend Eric said, "I recently met him at a pastors breakfast. Is he doing your premarital counseling?"

Josh said, "We'll start that after the holidays."

We said goodbye to the pastor.

I asked, "Mom, can you see it? There's a flower covered arch on the platform. Mark is standing under it. There are stands of flowers, and candles on either side. Josh is standing on the right. His best man, Mike, is beside him. Elise is on the left. Bret is walking me down this aisle." I was getting lost in my fantasy again.

"Yes, Honey. I can see it."

Josh and I were driving the Schwartzes home.

Mrs. Schwartz asked, "Amanda, have you given any thought to what your life will be like, once you and Josh are married?"

"I have, actually. I'm aware it's going to be another big change. I realize I will have more adapting to do, but I also know how loved I am. I trust that Josh will never stop being gentle with me."

"That's all true, and I'm happy to hear you are expecting changes."

That evening, Josh and I took Reuben, and we picked up Dale and Tabby. The five of us went to the church where Mark was now working. Tabby's friends, Maria and Anna, were in the Christmas pageant. When it was over, Reuben and Tabby went to catch up with her friends. Bridgette Melverson approached Josh and I.

"Amanda! Hi! Remember me?"

"You're Bridgette Melverson, right?"

"You do remember! I want you to meet my family."

Bridgette turned to her parents.

"Mom and Dad, this is Amanda Talmage."

Her dad said, "Hello, Amanda. I'm Devon, and this is my wife, Britney. Our nine year old son, Michael, was in the play."

"It's nice to meet you. This is my fiancé, Joshua Whitaker."

Josh and Devon shook hands.

Devon asked, "Are you Samantha's daughter?"

"Yes. She used to work for you."

"We heard she was getting divorced, and she quit her job with our firm. How is she doing?"

"She's actually doing really well. She has her own real estate office, and she's sold a few places. She and I are finally building a relationship."

"That's good to hear. Did you and she not have a relationship before?"

"No. My parents didn't really have any meaningful place in my life."

Britney reacted, "Amanda, that's awful! I can't imagine my kids not being a major part of my life. So, you and your mom are now building a relationship?"

"Yeah. Since leaving my dad, Mom's been going through a lot of changes. She joined me in abandoning that life of status, and she's learning how to live a normal life."

"That's good to hear. Devon and I have been praying for her since we heard she was getting divorced. We'll add a prayer for her relationship with you, and for her continued growth."

"Thank you."

Reuben, Tabby, and her friends came up to us. They had Michael with them. We said goodnight to the Melversons, and were soon heading home. We would be getting to know the Melversons in the months to come. Devon and Britney would develop a keen interest in our relationship.

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