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Porsche never understand why his best friend, Pete, pester him every single second that he should transfer to a big company. Like, he needs money, it's very important that he have a nice job because Porschay is entering college soon, he really needs money. Pete is working to a big company, with his boyfriend Vegas, who's the cousin of the CEO of the company. Pete reassured him that he will get accepted because Vegas has connections and is willing to help Porsche if he ever wanted to transfer.

Porsche is planning on transferring a long time ago, the company he's working now is not enough. It's salary is very low and not enough, Pete seems to noticed and offered to help, but it's not that easy. Porsche manage to enter this shitty company because of his uncle, Arthee, who's a gambler and has many depth. Porsche hated his uncle for being an asshole yet he can't just turn his back to him because he's the reason why Porsche and Porschay are alive. Today, Arthee is nowhere to be found and Porsche is the one who's being chased by the loansharks, demanding the money their uncle borrowed.

Pete is the one who helped Porsche everytime he's short of money, alongside with Vegas who also helped because Pete said so. Porsche is very greatful to have such friends like Pete and Vegas, he also have many friends, like Tem and Jim, his co-workers, and also Yok, a bar owner near their workplace.

When Vegas told him that the company is out of worker and his skills is very useful and can't be wasted. Porsche is still not sure and decided to talked to Pete.

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" Come on man, grab this opportunity, I am sure that Jom and Tem will also told you to accept this offer. You don't have to worry about getting in, Vegas will help and I am also there, I will help you to adjust." Pete assured him, giving him his encouraging aura and everything just to make Porsche accept. Porsche groan and took a deep breath.

" It's far from my home, Porschay will be left all alone if I stayed for too long. I don't want to left him here, what if those loansharks came and hurt Porschay?"

It's true that it's far from they live, maybe 2 to 3 hours away from home, not including being stock in a traffic. Pete pouted and leaned forward, crossing his arms on top of the table.

" You can ask P'Yok to watch over Porschay while you're away, I know that she won't mind." Of course, P'Yok will understand and will gladly accept to help but...

" But I don't want to-" Pete raised his hand, stopping Porsche from continuing.

" Think about the money you are going to earn, the salary is high and I am sure it will be more than enough to support you and Porschay, you will never have a hard time everytime those loansharks demand the money." Pete was right, and  Porsche doesn't have any more excuse, he can visit Porschay everytime he's free, he can ask Jom and Tem to look after Chay, and Porsche don't have to worry about anything if this company will let him stay.

"Tell Vegas to send me the requirements, I am going to resign to my company tomorrow, and I also have to inform Chay first about this, I need to arrange everything first before leaving Chay to P'Yok." Pete's eyes sparkled and nod his head rapidly.

" Of course, you don't have to worry, I will inform Vegas immediately after this." Porsche thought for a second if he's doing the right decision or not.

" Who's the CEO by the way, You said he's Vegas cousin?" Pete nod his head, sipping his lemon juice before answering.

" It's Kinn, Anakinn Theerapanyakun, his father is the one managing but not always at work. It's Mr. Kinn who's always there and doing the meeting and negotiations, tho Mr. Korn visited sometimes." Porsche did not understand, but hearing the name of the CEO made something inside his chest flare, like familiarity but he's not sure. Maybe he just heard the name somewhere but he's not 100% sure, he just let it slide, trying to forget and just focused on listening to Pete.

I am not sure about this chapter, maybe I will change this but that's for today's update. Sorry for the late update, I am quite busy these days, going somewhere for the past three days without break.

Anywaysss, please vote, comment and follow, your feedback is highly appreciated. I will edit the errors soon and will make sure to make the next chapter more entertaining.

Please stay safe and take good care of yourself 💛💚

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