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Hi my lovely readers, first of all, I really want to say thank you for supporting my stories even if I am not really good in writing, second, I am really sorry for not updating. Something happened and I really have to pay it more attention that I forgot about my stories.

Now, I don't think that I will be able to continue writing BL today because of what happened in the BL world. I am really heart broken and I can't even think of coming back as a BL fan after everything. My NetJames, my BrightWin, Barcode leaving the company, then what's next? I also heard about Mile engaging to a girl in Seoul somewhere, I forgot but as a fan, I am very sensitive to those news.

I don't want to go back to my original self, BL is my own kind of therapy where I am happy and carefree but that was back then but not anymore. Everything changed and I think that almost everyone was hurting when those news came out. I don't want to feel so lonely again.

I will not stop writing but I will take a break, a hiatus but after that I will continue the stories that I left behind. I don't have anyone to talk to right now so I will try to heal alone as I can. I don't have any motivation right now and I am afraid that if I continue writing, it will surely destroy the story line.

I hope that you all understand, I am maybe not the best and great writer but I am also trying my best to improve.

To those who's also like me, all we have to do is to support them as an actor and not to ship them for real. We don't want to get hurt and be the one being left behind at the end so let's all face the truth and try to accept it. I am also trying but it will take some time for sure.

See you again next time my dearest. Stay strong and healthy, always cheer up and never think negative. Love you guys always and Thank you again.



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