chapter 19 THE FAMILY

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Porsche dialed pete's number and the other answered almost immediately.

" Zup man? How's your night out with Khun kinn?"

Pete asked, he sounded cheerful and more like having a nice night.

Well. let's ruin your night.

" i will ask you directly pete. Do you have any fucking clue about vega's background?"

Pete did not answer right away and it made porsche nervous.

" Ohh! About his mafia background? Yes I know ever since he started dating me. why?"

porsche just wanted to get swallowed by the fucking ground and never get up.

" And you never told me!"

Porsche said in annoyance. He took a deep breath then glance behind him hen he heard someone walking not far from him. It's Kinn.

" ahemm. Porsche, I just want to remind you that I tried telling you but when I started talking you said: " pete, I don't want to hear your boyfriend's background drama." So i never open that topic to you again."

porsche laughed nervously then scratch the back of his head.

" well, I am sorry buddy. i am in the middle of nowhere and maybe,just maybe, I may not be able to go back to the office tomorrow. No worries, i did not kidnap kinn for ransom, he's here with me and I will call you later. take  care of yourself, bye bye buddy."

then he cut the call, not waiting for pete's reply. He then glance behind him and saw kinn standing there, patiently waiting for him. He started walking towards he house, trying to ignore the other presence...

" Are you okay?  Are you tired? You can rest first before we start the meeting. There's another room in this place and it's safe, I will stay outside of your room to make sure that no one will going to disturb your sleep."

Kinn keep on talking and porsche tried to ignore him and just walking.
when he's already inside, kim send him an annoying look then shook his head. then the two sat near the corner, talking silently.

" porsche..." kinn started so porsche the annoyingly glance behind him and send kinn a bored expression.

" What now kinn? Can't you see that i am trying to fucking process every single thing that happened to me today? Please leave me alone, I wanted to be alone for now. Please excuse me."

then he left the place. He's tired and angry, it's making him sleepy and wanted to eat sweet but he's too tired to even care about his sweaty, dirty clothes, even forgotten about to take  a shower. Porsche went inside the vacant room that Kim lead him.

" I will be back after a quick nap." Kim just nod his head then he closed his door.

He woke up after maybe two hours of nap or less but he felt disgusted and decided to take a shower then change his clothes. A pair of clothes and even a new pair of shoes has been in front of his room when he opened it.

He went down and surprisingly saw Kinn and Kim talking but stopped when they saw him approaching. kinn stood up but hesitate to approach him.

" how was your sleep?" Kinn asked, unsure and hesitating. Porsche shrugged his shoulder and sat in front  of them.

" As peaceful as the situation we're in." Then Kinn sat down , he glance at Kim who only nod his head.

" My brother?" Porsche asked, Kim stared at him.

" safe and in good hands. I have someone watch for him." Porsche sigh in relief then lean backwards.

" now, please explain to me why those person wanted us dead? Is it because that you're related to the mafia before?"

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