chapter 13 FEAR OR ANGER?

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Porsche sat outside of the house, he left Kim and Chay inside to talk and also, Chay volunteered to be the one who will wash the plates. He's still feeling unwell about Kim's presence, he's a bad news. Porsche wanted to warn Chay but he don't want to destroy  Chay's happiness and ruin his days.

He's so deep in thoughts that he did not notice Kim standing not far from him when Kim did not cleared his throat.

" Why did you left my brother inside?"

He asked Kim but he did not look at him, still staring ahead. He can feel that Kim walked near him but did not sat.

" I have something very important to tell you."

Kim's voice is very deep and serious that it sounded something similar to someone Porsche can't remember.

" Good, because I don't feel like you just became my brother's friend for no reason."

Then he gesture Kim to sit infront of him. Kim stared at him for a few seconds before he did and Porsche stared at him with seriousness.

" I hope that you don't have any intention to hurt my baby brother because if you have, please just leave already before you make bigger damage than intended."

Kim shook his head and lean forward.

" I do not have that kind of intention, but I won't also say that there's nothing I wanted when i approached Chay."

Porsche's blood boil for what Kim said. but he tried to control his emotion from over taking because he still have so many questions that needs an answer.

" If only I don't have any more question, i already kick you out off this house."

Kim only nod his head then Porsche took a deep breath.

" You are clearly rich and smart, you came from a famous family?"

Kim nod his head.

" I did and you are very familiar with that family. That's one of the reason why i approached Chay."

The answer added more questions inside his head. So many unanswered questions.

" Why? Who the fuck are you and what's your real motive why you wanted to get closed to Chay?"

Question after question, the night air is getting more colder but no one mind it.

" You. It's you why I wanted to get near Chay. You're the reason why, to answer my questions."

It confused him, what Kim said did not make any sense.

" What? more clear and don't confuse me more."

It irritate him so much that he can't understand what this bastard was talking about.

" You are working to the Theerapanyakun right?"

Before he can answer, Kim raised his hand to stop him from talking. It annoyed him more that someone is ordering him what to do, especially that the person is more younger than him.

" Before you asked how I know, well, I saw your file inside my father's office. I also saw your face to one of my father's drawer when I last visited the main house."

Porsche's eyes widen when he processed what Kim said...


The outburst made Kim flinch but nod his head, clearly not happy to mention his last name.

" And what the fuck are you talking that you saw my file inside your house before?"

Porsche wanted to know the answer ASAP because it's getting more and more confusing when more time goes by.

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