Chapter 2 MEETING

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Porsche took a deep breath and entered the big company, he's very out of place. The whole place is so big, many workers but kind enough to greet Porsche. He started walking towards the elevator and waiting for it to open. He held his folder tightly, trying to focus for his interview later on.

While waiting, he felt someone stand beside him, he did not pay the person any attention. He's nervous and can't entertain someone this time.

" You're new?" It made Porsche jumped when he heard the person speak beside him, the deep voice  made him glance beside him.

A well built body, the hard chest that everyone can see because some of this person's buttons were being left open, revealing it's pale skin tone, and his dark blue expensive suit. Perfectly contrasting and even making his pale skin glow. (A/N: Just imagine what Kinn looks like, I am not good in describing someone's appearance ಥ‿ಥ)

" I am sure that my face is up here." Porsche snapped out of his thoughts and looked at the person's face, face burning and he immediately averted his eyes from the man beside him. Porsche did not like the way this person confidentiality talks about everything.

" I just lost in thoughts, it's not my intention, I am sorry for making you uncomfortable." Porsche apologized (but not so sorry), not looking at the man's face, he heard the man chuckled. It made Porsche snort. The attitude.

" It's fine, you're not the first person." Porsche is about to protest or counter or correct this person's choice of words but exactly, the elevator opened, Porsche looked at the person beside him and gestures him to go first. The man's thick eyebrow shoot up, while grinning. Porsche wanted to punch this person's smug face, or maybe kiss those grinni- WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK!!

Did he really think about kissing this unknown man? Ha! No way! Just when did he start thinking about those dirty things?! Porsche wanted to die right here, right now.

" Why not go together? You might get lost, I can show you the room for the interview." The man pointed out his folder when Porsche was about to ask him why he knows that he's going to the interview, he almost embarrass his self more. His mind is not cooperating properly this time, and it's not a good sign, what if he messed up and won't be able to pass the interview? A big NO!

Porsche forced a painful smile.

" Well, if you don't mind, but I can just go and ask around if you're busy, what if your boss will get angry that you skip work because you escorted me around." Porsche said, noticing when he entered that no employees can be seen all around. The man only laugh about Porsche comment and press the elevator button. Now, those laugh seems familiar, it made Porsche shiver, a chill running down from his nape to his toes, making him intake a breath.

" No one will, so don't worry and try to practice being nice, or you might never get accepted." Porsche just noticed that this person is not wearing any ID or name tag like the other workers. He also noticed the way this person stared at him, he can feel this person's eyes observing him, it's very uncomfortable. Standing beside this man is already uncomfortable, especially when there hand almost touch when the man sidestep towards him.

" You seems nervous." Porsche wanted to shout at him to shut the fuck up, but he don't want to be impolite and made a bad impression to one of the workers so he just shrugged his shoulders.

" Maybe, maybe not. This is not my first work interview, I am just feeling uneasy, I don't know who's the CEO of this company. What if he don't like my performance? Or he already found someone better to take the empty position? I am not really good in paperwork to be honest, I am mostly good doing the field works." Porsche said helplessly, lowering his head and only looking at his shinny shoes.

" As long as you respect and treat the boss well and you will do your job properly, I am sure that the CEO will accept you." Porsche wanted to make some funny comment that he's far from 'treating-the-boss-well', that's one of the reason why his last company hated him, but the elevator door opened.

" You go ahead first, you will see a glass door at the left and has a sign 'room interview', wait for the person who will do interview to you and that person will also assign you where to work. I have something to arrange first, sorry I can't accompany you." Porsche only shook his head, bowing and glance at the man.

" It's alright, thanks you and see you around if ever I got accepted." The man only nod and smirked, Porsche walks towards the interview room, just when the elevator's door closed.

Well, he forgot to ask about that person's name and he never know what's the CEO looks like.

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Porsche waited for almost 10 minutes, he encountered some employees, who told him to just sit and wait. Someone also brought him some coffee, a very very different treatment when he entered his last company. Those employees were humble enough to talk to him for a second and told him how to answer some questions so he won't get nervous. Porsche just listened and nod his head every now and then.

Then, someone opened the door of the room, Porsche immediately stood up and his eyes widen when he saw who it was.

Hellooo! A new chapter for my lovely readers, your feedbacks are highly appreciated and please don't forget to vote and follow.

Love you lots everyone 💛💚

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