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They arrive at the bar after the 25 minutes drive, no one talk inside the car ride and Porsche did not mind his silence at all.

He park the car not far from the place because it's a secluded place from the outside but it has many bar side the places.

Kinn walked out first and Porsche followed after him.

" You know this place?"

Kinn asked when Porsche started walking inside the establishments. He paused and glance to Kinn behind him with pure proud expression.

" Of course, I maybe came from a far away place but I also enjoyed travelling from different kind of places. Did you also know this place?"

He asked when Kinn did not talk for a few moment.

" Yeah... I went here almost 2 days a week with my friends to hang out. I stopped after the last one when I became too drunk to remember anything from that night."

Porsche nod his head.

" Don't worry, I am to stop you from over drinking. Let's get in now, we can't waste our precious time."

When he saw Kinn started following behind, he continued walking and started feeling nostalgic from the place. It's been years since the last time he went from here.

They went inside a narrow alley and then they entered a bar, it's not that noisy from the outside and when they get in, the place is not really crowded, only a few were dancing and some people are just sitting and watching. They both went at the bar counter and the bartender greeted them.

" Hellooo fellas, what can i seve you?"

The bartender asked and when he glance at Porsche's direction and sa Porsche clearly, his eyes widen in shock.

" P'PORSCHE!!" He exclaimed and almost leaps out of the bar counter just to hug Porsche. Kinn stepped in front of Porsche, clearly preventing the person to go near Porsche. It impressed Porsche and it clearly did not make Kinn happy that someone wanted to get near Porsche.

" Kinn, that's my friend, calm down."

Kinn stared at the nervous but clearly happy bartender that he saw his friend.

" I am Mes and I am P'Porsche's best friend. I am also one of his co-workers when he was a part-time bartender."

Mes said proudly, he even wanted to hug Porsche but Kinn's glare send him to the corner.

" Now, now Kinn, sit-down and relax, we are here to enjoy and not to find a problem, okay?"

Kinn sigh and Porsche pushes him towards a stool to sit while the bartender makes their drinks. Porsche sat beside him and glance at Kinn with questionable look.

" What's the matter? You said you've been here before, you look uncomfortable."

Kinn is clearly looking distracted and it's not a good sign at all. Kinn just shook his head then glance to the dance floor.

" I just thought about something...a memory, perhaps."

Kinn mumbled the last part but despite the noisy surroundings, Porsche heard it.

" Don't think about work, you should try to relax your brain and try to get some time off."

Kinn glance at him with bored expression.

" I've been having to much time off ever since you became my assistant. It's not a good sign at all and I am not happy about it at all."

Porsche chuckled and thanked Mes when he slide a glass of champaign and Kinn just nod his head to Mes and drank his alcoholic drink slowly.

" But you never say no whenever I asked you to take a time off with me. You even dump a meeting just when I asked you to garb a snack with me. I don't think that you are going to complain that I dragged you out of the office to drink with me."

Kinn just glared at him then he drank the drink in one go. He even called for Mes for another one but Porsche slapped his hand that is on top of the counter and glared at Kinn.

" Don't, slowly, we don't want you getting drunk right?"

Mes just stood in front of them and waiting for the two of them to order. When Porsche managed to stopped Kinn from ordering another drink, he glance at Mes and smiled.

" Please give us a bowl of chips or any side dish, I can't let my boss get drunk because of to much consumption of alcohol."

Mes immediately nod his head and went away after shouting a 'right away' leaving Kinn and Porsche behind.

" You said I should relax but you are preventing me from ordering what I want."

Kinn grumbled and it sounded so cute. Porsche laughed and then shook his head.

" You're the one who said that you did not get back here because you got too drunk that you completely forgot what happened to you. I wanted to bring you back here so I don't want you getting drunk."

Mes arrived holding a glass of chips, he happily gave it to Porsche.

" Here it is P'Porsche, just call me if you wanted more."

Then he left to make another order. Kinn started munching on the ships while Porsche tried to enjoy his drink.

They've been drinking for almost half an hour now when Kinn suddenly asked....

" You still did not tell me why we're here."

He asked while drinking, Porsche just hummed and put down his glass.

" Just wanted to spend some of my time with you. Don't you think it's a good thing?"

He said with a playful tone, Kinn took a cracker and glance at Porsche.

" We're always together at the office, this is not necessary at all."

Porsche rolled his eyes and lazily swing his head back and fort. He heard Kinn hiss and mumbled ' careful'. He's not drunk okay, he's just happy.

" Many people interrupt us, they haaate me that I became your assistant so I can't really have a good time inside the office."

He saw a few more people entering the bar, some of them look so familiar and even Kinn glance at the door and his eyes widen.

" Heyyy, look babe who's here. It's Kinn and...ohhh the sassy boy."

Porsche did not know who are they calling sassy but he's sure that he don't like the tone at all. He don't even know who these persons.

" Cherry, Blade."

Kinn said when the two made their way towards them. Cherry, the pretty one smiled and wave at them, he even smiled at Porsche.

" Hi there, Khun Kinn..."

He then stared at Porsche, clearly asking for his name.

" Porsche."

Cherry beamed and nod his head repeatedly.

" Of course, why did I forgot. It's been a long time anyway since the last time we met. How are you?"

Kinn and Porsche frown and glance at each other then back at the two new men.

" We've met before?"

Porsche asked and looked at Kinn in confusion who only shrugged his shoulders.

Cherry and Blade frown and they glance at the two of them in amusement.

" We've been here before, years ago. You were even too drunk on that time that we let Kinn take you home...Ohh it must be fate that you met again."

Kinn and Porsche clearly did not understand what they just heard.

" What!?"

Another chapter and we are getting near to the best parts of the story where the plot make sense. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter.

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Thank you and please take good care of yourself everyone. 💛🐤💚

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