chapter 10 CONFUSION

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" I don't want to go home."

Porsche mumbled, staring at the fading light of the sun.

" We don't have to."

The voice behind him startled Porsche. He harshly look behind him and saw Kinn, not looking at him but at the horizon.

" Kinn! Stop scaring the shit out of me! And what the fuck you said?"

Kinn took a deep breath and glance at Porsche, a soft expression adoring his face, he's glowing.

" We don't have to go back there, we can stay here as long as you want."

It maid Porsche blush really bad Kinn heard what he said. He avoid Kinn's eyes and just focuses on watching the fading light of the sunset.

" We have work Khun Kinn, don't make your father notice this kind of action coming from you. He won't like it."

Porsche just realized that he did not sounded annoyed or angry, it's like he sounded worried.

Of course Porsche, if Kinn's father find out that Kinn went on a beach with me, he will get angry that Kinn neglected his job as the CEO and maybe lose my job in the process. I should be worried more for my job, not Kinn's problem with his father.

Porsche scolded himself but still refused to look at Kinn. He saw Kinn sat on the sand beside him in his peripheral vision. He immediately turn around and panicked.

" Kinn! Stand the fuck up, you'll get so many sands and it will be very hard to remove. It will dirty your expensive pants and shirt."

But Kinn only shrugged his shoulder, not interested of what Porsche just said.

" I'll buy a new one, many of them."

The urge of slapping Kinn's head right now is getting stronger of how arrogant this bastard is.

" You rich bastard. Do whatever you want, I don't care. If we don't go back at 6, I'll leave you here. I am going back to the city on my own."

He started walking back to the restaurant, leaving Kinn all alone.

" But it's 3 hours ride before you arrive at the city."

Kinn said, almost shouting because Porsche is already a bit far from him. Porsche can clearly hear that Kinn is playing with him.

That's what you want? Then let's play! Two can play with this game.

" The fuck I'd care, you can root here for all I care. I can even inform your people that you got buried here and won't came back anymore."

Porsche only received a laugh from his angry response and it annoyed him very much so he almost started running back to the restaurant.

I am hungry and tired. That bastard drained my freaking energy in less than 3 minutes.


" Hey! Where's Kinn? I thought he went to you?"

Marsh asked when he saw Porsche entered the place. Porsche just rolled his eyes and sat in front of Marsh at the bar counter.

" I hope that the sands went inside his mouth and choked him to death."

Marsh chuckled and started mixing Porsche a drink.

" I am happy."

Marsh suddenly said after a couple of silence between them. Porsche did not understand what he meant mad Marsh smiled at Porsche softly.

" Kinn has been lonely for so many years now. I thought that I won't be able to know the Kinn I knew so long ago."

It made Porsche curiosity spark to the highest level. Marsh handed Porsche his drink and then glance outside the window.

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