Broken Doll

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Nulla di ciò che state per leggere ha intenzione di romanticizzare le relazioni tossiche, di sminuire le vittime di femminicidi o di idealizzare il fidanzato manipolatore con problemi di possessività.


I'm like
broken doll.

A twisted, broken, psychopath

Somehow, I can't remember when,
my vision of Love has become
a mix of the perfect fairytale, with the Prince
who saves the Princess, locked up in a Tower
and the toxic tragedy,
that almost always ends up with a
dead body.
And it's not really Love, because Love doesn't kill you.

And yet, this warped vision of Love
has taken root in the brain
of this broken doll.

I'm like
broken doll.

That wants to be accepted for what's it is,
and at the same time wants to be fixed,
because it can keep fighting with the mess
in its own mind.

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