FIRST DAY (Chapter 13)

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It's already Tuesday and all of the students of Prime University are starting to go in there rooms. In the SSO office Sunoo was there and arranging some paper and suddenly the door of the office opened and Heeseung and Niki entered. Sunoo just take a glance and just vow and continue what's he's doing. Heeseung saw that and he speaks," Youth right now are so disrespectful, right Niki." Niki just nod and the two of them was about to open the door of there room when suddenly Sunoo speaks and he said," Respect is not something that I give to the person that doesn't deserve it."

Heeseung heard that he was about to walk toward Sunoo when suddenly the 4 other members of the group entered and stop Heeseung. Sunoo just talk and  speaks to them and give some paper. He said," Here are your schedule. You can see there your time and what section and room you are belong. As for your manager said to me, he said that he will be out and the school told me that the SSO members will handle the things that all of you need,.but please refrain from requesting uncertain things that we can't provide.

At the same time if you can do it by yourself don't call us because we had  things need to do. No need to be to formal to each other. Like calling all of you Hyung and it also goes the same way. We gonna use first name basis. That's all for this moment and remember attend your class."

Sunoo was about to leave when suddenly Heeseung speaks and he said," Hey, you do you remember what happened before?, I hope you don't mess up like you did before, because once that thing happen again... I will make sure that you and your Vice president will be accountable and make sure that the points that you two aiming will be fade." Sunoo speaks and he said," Don't worry ,I don't do the same mistake that I did before and I will make sure that the points that I and Vice deserve and each SSO members will have it." Sunoo said in shaky voice but he hide that feelings.

Fast forward ⏩⏩⏩

Its already lunch time and the members of Enhypen gathered in the cafeteria of the school and eat there. They are talking about there class and Jake said," Guys come with me on the 10th floor , one of my class are there. It is amazing because it's advance physics. The five of them just smile but don't want to go and suddenly Jungwon asked," Hyung and Niki, do we all have the same class this afternoon?"

They check their schedule and saw it. Jake was happy because all of them will go to the advance physics class only for the 20 years old above and to those who pass the exam. They're eating happily when suddenly they saw a group of people walk towards the cafeteria the students whisper to each other and they said, " Pres is here, I thought he don't go here because of what happened yesterday."

The other student answered and she said,"Oh come on, Pres always like that, I don't know why the school didn't even bother to change the President of this school to more better person because he already mess up and he doesn't deserve to be with Enhyp- " when suddenly the group of people  walk towards to that girl and  Sunoo speaks and he said," Let me see your I.d, oh you are the daughter of the Mayor... Let me ask you something, How did you enter in this school again Ms.? Oh you don't need to answer because base on what I saw on your file. You are not qualified to be here because of your grade.You questioning why I am still here . Let me question you , why you still here?... See you can't even answer. So you better shut up when your credentials didn't stand a chance to the person you talking shit about. And by the way check your email because I will send something to you later ."

Sunoo just walk towards the table that only made for SSO members. Y/N stop where the girl are was about to cry," Oh come on, don't play victim here you started it and the only thing that you do wrong is to mess up with the wrong person ." Yanna pull Y/N and she said," That's enough." Felix just walk and smirk and the other two members of the SSO walks toward the table and didn't look at the girl. The cafeteria was full of whisper. The Enhypen members can't believe to what happened, when suddenly Heeseung stand up and walk towards the girl and give her tissue and go towards Sunoo and he speaks and he said," So that's the way you lead this school, you make a girl cry and let me ask you to? Why you can't leave the position of being president because she's right you already mess up and you just stay in that position because of connection, Am I right? I already know who you are and what your family background."
The other Enhypen members was confused to what Heeseung talking about. Sunoo didn't look at him and stand and run away. The other SSO members are confused but Felix and Y/N  also run and follow Sunoo.

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